Object Orientation


New member
In TRS2006 there is a layout called North Bay Country. On this layout there are a number of "burnt tree" objects. Some of these are laying down (as if having been felled). Using the Get Object tool you simply get the same icon as you do for the normal (vertical) trees. It appears that a normal tree has been added to the layout and then rotated around an x or y axis, as opposed to the default z axis. It occurred to me that for some (admittedly not many) objects this could be useful.

Does anyone know how to rotate objects around other axes?
It's done in the config file. I don't remember the tag to enable the rotation off the top of my head, but if you'll look at the config for the trees that you're talking about, it'll be there. Someone may be along soon that remembers the tag.
Rotate Tag

This is the tag and setting I used for those trees. Add it ot the config of the object.

rotate 1
rotate-yz-range -180,180

In surveyor use the SHIFT key + orientation command to rotate the object.

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