Nintendo Characters in Trainz


Instead of making 7 posts in a row, 5 posts in 10 minutes, write what you need to say in one post. If you remember something you want to add, edit your post (click the "EDIT"-button in the bottom right corner of your post).

To start a new thread, click the "NEW THREAD"-button on the top of the forum areas (like "Screenshots").
Also, Logan, you need to post this in the appropriate forum...probably the TS2010 forum, not Screenshots. There are tons of people willing to help in that forum, myself included.

BTW, to the other posters, nice creations! :)

Instead of making 7 posts in a row, 5 posts in 10 minutes, write what you need to say in one post. If you remember something you want to add, edit your post (click the "EDIT"-button in the bottom right corner of your post).

To start a new thread, click the "NEW THREAD"-button on the top of the forum areas (like "Screenshots").

I Dont See A "NEW THREAD" Button
Last edited:
It's here:

Agreed. The epicness of this thread is echoing throughout the Trainz community with such force, I think I'll need a shock absorber just to keep my modem content.


ok sorry about the way i was "overreacting"
anyway i might be able to resize the nintendo characters (mario,peach,yoshi)
for u if u need :)

This thread is a no-no. The characters shown here are copyrighted to their copyright holders, such as Nintendo for Mario. Any work that reproduces them, whether a self-made drawing, photograph of a figurine or statue of them, or 3D model, is a derivative work, and must be authorized by the copyright holder of the character reproduced before it can be distributed.

So distributing 3D models of these characters, whether for Trainz or not, is copyright infringment unless permission is granted from the copyright holders of the characters in question. Even just posting screenshots of them without permission is likely also a copyright infringment.

Per the above reasons, perhaps it would be a good idea for a moderator to lock or delete this thread.

