New problem with multiple industry new


New member
I'm back to messing with the horrible MIN again. I have a new problem, one of my MINs has (in_track) in the command list instead of (pickup/dropoff) like the others (which work ok). The trains will not drive to this MIN.
There is a red bug, I don't remember the error message but will get it if anyone wants to know.
Any ideas? (Like 'try a different MIN,' believe me I'm tempted):hehe:
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From memory, this sounds like that particular industry needs to be replaced or the driver command needs to be replaced in the schedule. It's been a while since I've seen that one though.

From memory, this sounds like that particular industry needs to be replaced or the driver command needs to be replaced in the schedule. It's been a while since I've seen that one though.

Thanks Shane, will try that.
EDIT: Replacing the driver command did indeed fix it. I think maybe I missed the second part of the menu item. MIN is forgiven.
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