New Forum Related to Payware & Freeware


Active member
I try really hard not to be critical of Trainz or its users, but I get frustrated with the Freeware & Payware Announcement posts. It would be good if Auran would create two new forums; one for Freeware Comments and one for Payware Comments. Only someone actually releasing freeware or payware could post to the current Payware or Freeware Announcement forums. The Auran Police would terminate any posts not actually announcing new/completed releases. Anyone commenting on these releases would use the Freeware or Payware Comments forums. I get really tired of going to Freeware or Pay ware Announcements looking for new content posted anywhere or looking for useful information from the creator about fixes or updates to their content but having to sort through page after page of useless chatter, often personal attacks on one creator/member or another. Also, those who announce they have begun work on some new project that will take months or years to complete (or more probably will be abandoned before completion) annoy me. Also, those asking someone to make something for them annoy me. Also, those long, long threads (some with over 1000 replies) that few have time to read. All these could go in the Comments Forums. Let’s cut through this crap and get to the real subject, which is “What new pay ware or freeware has been completed and released?”. Having unloaded my opinion, I’ll try to play nice from now on.
If only the forums would have a "thumbs up" button, this post would have many from me. I completely understand what you're saying. I too get annoyed going and seeing "New Release" and it's nothing but a block in gmax or 3ds max. Thumbs up man, thumbs up.
lol :D ROFLMAO :hehe:
Was just thinking this today, went through the announcements sections to find " GIMMIE THIS NOW", or " i just started this massive route man, be ready in 10 years, can anyone do it for me instead?:hehe:
I agree that there are too many announcements that are just 'pie in the sky' from someone, but when I start a project, I generally follow through with it. In the process, I like to post screenshots of progress so that I can get questions answered during the process and get some useful constructive critism. This entire process just makes the product that much better for end user. The real problem is the 'gimme-pigs' out there that want a work-in-progress released tomorrow. These things take time and I can tell you from experience that a steam locomotive takes an extreme amount of time.

It doesn't take very long to discover which members don't generally follow through on their 'announcements'. Just ignore their threads would be my suggestion because I think that the serious content creators out there, either freeware or payware, will follow through on what they begin barring any technical or legal issues.

"If only the forums would have a "thumbs up" button..."

Kinda like this?

I generally only post a picture of a reskin after I've uploaded it to the DLS. Announcing content may seem to some to be a waste of time, but I choose to do so to present a large enough picture of the content for those that find the attached screenshots too small to be of much use.
As far as comments and chatter, I appreciate those that aren't too far afield of the subject. Without an occasional compliment, I believe I would begin to think the community un-appreciative, and my work may suffer because of it. I try to answer questions and reply to comments the next time I post a release, but it's not a strict rule.
"Comments" forums for Trainz assets would likely be useful as a a place where people could get help with assets and problems with assets, etc. (for example, it might be useful to post questions about missing dependencies for assets in such a forum, rather than posting them in General Trainz or whereever), but I disagree with only allowing announcements of completed content and not allowing content creators to post project/work-in-progress threads. As Leeferr said, posting about a work-in-progress can be a good source of constructive criticism/suggestions, etc. Compliments from other members about your works-in-progress may also help encourage the creator to continue to work on his project, in my opinion.

Kind regards,
The ones that kill me are the new threads that make it obvious the poster didn't even bother to read the forum header. :hehe:


ANNOUNCING that I have a QUESTION! Yes, it's a QUESTION about the DLS! How do I download new trains? I'm also ANNOUNCING that I'm too stupid to notice there's a specific forum for DLS questions and this ain't it! :wave:
How about forums for anouncements of freeware and payware releases only and no chattering and separate one for progress reports for those who are doing some kind of project for feedback etc?
This is a fine idea, but it won't work unless it's enforced and there apparently isn't the manpower to enforce the guidelines that are in place now. I haven't done a survey but I'm willing to bet that more than half of the complaints about the DLS are in the general trains forum, rather than the DLS forum :n: . If no one is willing to take an extra few fractions of a second to consider where their post should be now, there is no reason to think that multiplying the number of forums will do anything more than increase the number of places to search for something.

Face it... expanding the Forums as per the original poster's view, is just going to increase the number of sub-forums for clueless members to spam further.
I like the idea. I think the best option would be to have sub-forums added to the Freeware and Payware announcements forums, that are specifically for released content, and then the original parent announcement forums would be for progress info.

Not to say this would happen :hehe:
I have to say that in my experiences working for large companies, that creating more paperwork and places to put it, even though the organizational structure makes sense, just creates confusion and less willingness to follow the order.

I agree with leeferr - ignore the ones who are just flapping their feathers, and let the real creators shine.