Good news about UMR, spent plenty of time on that map (actually could have been a great built in MP map ) but i would wait till they get these bugs out of the way first or it will end up on the scrap heap very quickly. You only have to look at TS12 to see how many broken MP sessions there are.
As for who has played MP i played from first retail till about a week ago when the modified bug struck.
Only had max of 2 client players plus the host.
Kickstarter ,this was the most successful, would load quick as small, although industries would fail to load/unload for clients, host would have to load/unload for them. Also the old ghost trains are still around as well. Total players 3
Hinton long time for clients to load map, coupler issue could not uncouple or couple trains even host could not recouple once he had detached. No idea about industries due to coupler bug. Total players 2
ECML long time for clients to load, had 2 players try to load one gave up the other took about 15mins, played for about an hour before client vanished, may have crashed.
Tried hosting all the maps that came with the Deluxe version and only the 3 mentioned above did i get anyone to join.
Razor here is something interesting, you still show as hosting a session on the kickstarter map.
Looks like anyone who has hosted a session becomes a ghost player as even when it says you are offline in chat you are online in MP, this means people are trying to join a non existant game, this would cause the " Not in right state "error as hard to join a game thats not there.
Main thing that needs to be addressed is built in assets need to be able to be reverted back so all MP maps are playable, until this is done it is impossible to really test MP to see what other bugs are in it.