Route Building Rocks
So this is my second thread regard a bug I found in Trainz 2022. But instead of devoting it to a single topic, I feel like it would be better to make one about the other bugs that I've found because there are quite a few. If anyone else has experience any other bugs that I haven't mentioned here, feel free to reply with your own.
I've only had the game since Christmas, and I've only recently started playing it way more over the past month, and I've noticed quite an alarming number of bugs, and most of them can get really irritating. One is the selected area option in bulk asset replace being broken, and the other being object signs not retaining edits when saved (the latter of which I have made a thread on here --> But those arent the only ones that I've been experiencing. One bug I've noticed in one of routes Im working on is that any new rulers I place down are invisible. The measurement numbers are there but the neon colored ruler is not visible. And whats weird about this specific instance is that its only a specific section of the route. The route in question is an NEC project I've been working on since late 2021 (and which I have been taking a little hiatus from, but if you're curious this is the thread of it here:, and the area where new rulers are not visible stretches from Rahway to Sunnyside Yard. Anywhere outside that zone, rulers can appear. I dont know why thats happening and why only in that specific area, and I dont really have any theories as to whats causing this. Another bug I've experienced is one I have experienced in Trainz 2019, but more so in Trainz 2022 to a more.....disheartening extent. Basically, there are times where, upon entering surveyor mode, half of any edits I had made the last time are gone. Like, the terrien, ground and embankments would be there but any tracks, junctions, signals, or objects would just be gone. Im pretty sure you can see how annoying this bug is, and what's frustrating is that the game gives me a warning sign that its going to do this upon me saving and exiting the game. If the junction/signal number resets to a lower number (example, the next junction I make after 'Junction 5433' being 'Junction 03'), that's the games way of telling me, "hope you're proud of the progress you made, because half of it is going to be gone when you go back into surveyor mode". Now like I said, it did happen in Trainz 2019 but it happened so in frequently, it never was a big issue. It happened about one or two times a few months, and I think once in 2021. In Trainz 2022, this has happened to me, a total of 3 times within a the span of less than week. I cant express how demotivating and awful the feeling is when I open up a route I've been working only to find that half of the progress I had made the last time basically deleted like it never happened.
Has anyone else been experiencing these bugs? Please let me know
I've only had the game since Christmas, and I've only recently started playing it way more over the past month, and I've noticed quite an alarming number of bugs, and most of them can get really irritating. One is the selected area option in bulk asset replace being broken, and the other being object signs not retaining edits when saved (the latter of which I have made a thread on here --> But those arent the only ones that I've been experiencing. One bug I've noticed in one of routes Im working on is that any new rulers I place down are invisible. The measurement numbers are there but the neon colored ruler is not visible. And whats weird about this specific instance is that its only a specific section of the route. The route in question is an NEC project I've been working on since late 2021 (and which I have been taking a little hiatus from, but if you're curious this is the thread of it here:, and the area where new rulers are not visible stretches from Rahway to Sunnyside Yard. Anywhere outside that zone, rulers can appear. I dont know why thats happening and why only in that specific area, and I dont really have any theories as to whats causing this. Another bug I've experienced is one I have experienced in Trainz 2019, but more so in Trainz 2022 to a more.....disheartening extent. Basically, there are times where, upon entering surveyor mode, half of any edits I had made the last time are gone. Like, the terrien, ground and embankments would be there but any tracks, junctions, signals, or objects would just be gone. Im pretty sure you can see how annoying this bug is, and what's frustrating is that the game gives me a warning sign that its going to do this upon me saving and exiting the game. If the junction/signal number resets to a lower number (example, the next junction I make after 'Junction 5433' being 'Junction 03'), that's the games way of telling me, "hope you're proud of the progress you made, because half of it is going to be gone when you go back into surveyor mode". Now like I said, it did happen in Trainz 2019 but it happened so in frequently, it never was a big issue. It happened about one or two times a few months, and I think once in 2021. In Trainz 2022, this has happened to me, a total of 3 times within a the span of less than week. I cant express how demotivating and awful the feeling is when I open up a route I've been working only to find that half of the progress I had made the last time basically deleted like it never happened.
Has anyone else been experiencing these bugs? Please let me know