Language version steam/


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Does the TRS22 fully support Polish language versions, including add-ons and editor and trainz gold plus version, it's about buying on the website

The Steam version is described as supported in Polish (subtitles).
Trainz + 119450:

Translations for Polish on TRS22? Only in the name, sorry, this is not Polish Version. I'm waiting for actualisations.

In Polish: Kolego, nie mówmy że jest to polska wersja bo jej poziom jest żenada. W porównaniu do wcześniejszych wersji gry - tutaj twórcy poszli po łatwości, mimo że mieli wcześniejsze wersje w miarę ok ogarnięte. Wszedł ****. Czekamy na obiecana aktualizacje...
Dear friend,

according to status on the page you provide, the Trainz project has 100% implementation for the Polish language (i don't see to TS3 - this is future). Many people contributed to the translation (for example: zyxist, generally etc.), and I took a look, and it seems to be better than the one included in TRS22.

But I don't understand this problem at all, because you created it. Since Trainz2004 and even Trainz, the translation into our language has been ok. During this time, terms have formed among long-time gamer that have always been relevant and unchanged. But anyway, the TRS19 translation was ok, and TRS22 is just an addition of a few lines of text - you could just copy-paste the TRS19 version and there would be no problem. I am not complaining about the translation of Surveyor 2.0, because as we agreed, it is a beta tool that is being developed and there are errors here, have been and will be for a long time and we will be happy to help with the translation.

But as I wrote here in conversations, or also to you on discord, in another topic - simply is the best. Why are you doing something that is done well, again? I don't know, I don't work in IT, but what's the point if you have a warehouse of many good contributions to the Polish version?

I know, the Polish community does not have a good opinion and a good streak - but I feel and see that there are also those who saw a new opportunity and inspiration for work in TRS19 (like me), and there are also those who stubbornly stick to TRS10 or T:ANE but when they try S2.0 they immediately love it. So we should all focus on improving, not redoing something that was done a long time ago, was done well, and worked. Now all of a sudden there are big problems with new players when you try to solve their problem and you use words that are in TRS19 but not in TRS22 because they are translated differently... (ofc i speak about Surveyor Classic, not about T+).

And another sad thing about this problem with this language version is... not working scrapbooks. Which are a nice tool, but the need to use them only in English, for me, as a person who writes it through a translator, irritating. Because I can't find the add-ons I'm looking for because I don't know what they're called in the English version - because I've only known them "in Polish" for 15 years.

Well, we are waiting for a better time, updates and fixes. And I beg you, do not revolutionize things that work well!

I wish everyone a lot of fun in Trainz! :)

kacperkgl aka KGrid