Installing Addon (West Somerset railway) into TC1


New member
Anyone Know If i can install the west somerset railway add on into trainz classics (Trainz Railways). I would like that as I just got a copy and the sounds are better and dont keep fading in and out like they do On TRS2006.

Thanks In advance
Good day and welcome to Trainz Classics.

There is a short answer and a long answer to your question.

Short answer - Yes!

Long Answer - When first installed you will likely find many missing dependencies. Some of these will have to be downloaded some might be able to be imported from 2006. TC was designed with limited built-in content and therefore, some work is always involved in installing assets unless they are specifically designed for TC!

There are numerous threads on how to transfer content to TC so I will not indulge in a full explanation here. Please use the search facility to locate the transfer threads.

Have fun!

Awsome. I followed the Instructions. I did a fresh install of TRS2006 and TC1 then installed WSR addon and copied the .Ra files as instructed and now it works better in TC than it did In 2006.

Thanks and hapy trainzing. :p