info needed on aus steam loco's


Active member
hi all

i searched the net but cannot find the info i need.
can anybody please tell me the following?

nsw 59 class tenders.
nsw 60 class garratts
qr 17 class

what amounts did they hold and for how many miles was this good for?
especially the water?

thanks for your help
Have got a fair few railway books. Should be able to find something especially on C17. Generally rate of coal and water consumption would depend on how hard an engine was being worked. See what I can find and get back to you.
Cheers Will
Here's what I've found on C17.
1920 version: coal 4.6 tonnes water 13638 litres
1938 version: coal 6.1 t water 13886
1950 version: coal 7.4 t water 13886
The 1st 2 types had their coal capacity increased to 8.1 t and 7.5t after WW2 by adding coal boards to the tenders.
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i need to know the amount of coal and especially water held
and how many miles they can run for on that water

Hi Ron
Haven't found anything on NSWGR tenders. You could try ARHS NSW website? All I could find in my books were loco specs. The coal and water consumption rates for TRS C17's and PB15 would be fairly accurate as they were made by Greg Cash. He worked with the real locos at ARHS, Kunkala. the DLS PB's have revised engine configs for more accurate fuel consumption rates than the builtin PB. Haven't actually ran a C17 till the fuel ran out so not sure about the distance it could travel before refueling.
Cheers Will
thanks will

i have dreddmans c17 and evans set that i'm beta testing.
it runs like a charmer. i ran them it from tiaro to caboolture and on the turn it needed to be fuelled. i'm hoping to get the milages so that it will appear like the real thing

Hi Ron
None of the QR books I've got has those kind of stats. You could try emailing Greg or Jacob Cash they've both worked with these locos the real ones and TRS ones. Should be able to find their email address via profile in DLS or in the items they've made for TRS.
Cheers Will