Master Map maker needed


East Broad Top Historian
greetings all i am posting this because i require a master map maker, to make a map for me, i have compiled a list of needed skills in order to do it and they follow as such.
  • expertise in grading to a realistic level (a must)
  • realistic detail (can't tell you how important detail is)
  • ability to accurately scale model (none of that fit the whole thing into 6 blocks crap, at least 100 is a must)
  • accurate detail on yards, building loacations, (some buildings can be found on the DLS some date back to 2004)
now time for a little info on your project, what i need built is an accurate scale model, of the East Broad Top Railroad & Coal Company, while there is one currently on the download station, the creator left out key Kuid's such as track and textures and never released them, meaning no one could use it, and i have not the time or the patience for such a project.

PLEASE READ! (important information)

The East Broad Top Railroad and Coal Company was chartered in 1856. Due to financial constraints and the American Civil War, the railroad was not built by its original charterers, but a new group of investors began to acquire right-of-way in 1867 and was able to construct the railroad as a narrow gauge line in 1872–1874. Service began from Mount Union, Pennsylvania to Orbisonia, Pennsylvania in August, 1873, and to Robertsdale in November, 1874. The line later was extended to Woodvale and Alvan, with several short branches. At its height, it had over 60 miles of track and approximately 33 miles of main line.
The primary purpose of the railroad was to haul semi-bituminous coal from the mines on the east side of the remote Broad Top Mountain plateau to the Pennsylvania Railroad in Mount Union. The railroad also carried substantial amounts of ganister rock, lumber and passengers with some agricultural goods, concrete, road tar and general freight. In its first three decades the railroad supplied much of its coal to the Rockhill Iron Furnace, operated by the railroad's sister company, the Rockhill Iron and Coal Company, and in turn hauled the pig iron from the furnace.
As the iron industry in the region faded in the early 1900s, the railroad came to subsist on coal traffic for about 90% of its revenue. Large plants for the manufacture of silica brick were developed at Mount Union around the turn of the 20th century, and these became major customers for coal and also for ganister rock, which was quarried at multiple points along the railroad.
The EBT was generally profitable from the 1880s through the 1940s and was able to modernize its infrastructure far more than other narrow gauge railroads. A coal cleaning plant and a full maintenance shops complex were built, bridges were upgraded from iron and wood to steel and concrete, wood rolling stock was replaced by steel, and modern high-powered steam locomotives were bought from the Baldwin Locomotive Works of Philadelphia.
In the 1950s, coal demand plummeted as homes and industries switched to cheap oil and gas. The last nail in the coffin came when the silica brick plants in Mount Union converted to oil and gas and not enough coal could be sold to support the mines and the railroad. The railroad closed as a coal hauler April 14, 1956, and along with the coal-mining company was sold for scrap to the Kovalchick Salvage Corporation.
Nick Kovalchick, president of Kovalchick Salvage, elected not to scrap the railroad right away, instead letting it sit in place. In 1960, the twin boroughs of Orbisonia and Rockhill Furnace—the latter being the operating hub for the railroad—celebrated their Bicentennial and asked Kovalchick to put a train out for display. Doing them one better, he rehabilitated four miles of track and two locomotives and operated tourist train rides for several months that summer. The new attraction was so successful that the ride, extended to five miles (8 km), opened as a regular tourist operation in 1961. The railroad has operated tourist trains every summer since.
The EBT was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1964 and added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1966. The railroad was added in 1996 to the National Trust for Historic Preservation's list of America's Most Endangered Places.
The railroad is still owned by Kovalchick Salvage and was for years overseen by Nick's son, Joe, and his wife, Judy. From May 2009 until April 2011, the EBT was leased for three years to the East Broad Top Railroad Preservation Association, a non-profit founded with the intention of acquiring the railroad and reactivating all 33 miles (53 km) of the railroad's original main line (only 5 miles (8.0 km) are currently active). The EBTPA made a number of improvements on site as well as adding numerous special events and in 2011 extended the season and operating days of the week. Maintenance standards and customer service were enhanced. The original three year lease expired in April 2012 and the owners and the EBTPA were unable to reach an agreement for operations in 2012. Due to the late date of the negotiations, it was decided not to operate the railroad in 2012. The EBTPA still has an option to purchase the railroad and is pursuing funding.
When running the line operates as a heritage railway, with trains pulled by narrow gauge 2-8-2 steam locomotives. Vintage diesels operate as backup power. Until 2010 excursions ran June through October, weekends only. In 2011, excursions ran on weekends May 7 through October 30 and Thursday and Friday July 7 through August 12 and October. During special events and holidays trains run other days of the week as well as into November and December.
The rides are 10-mile (16 km) round trips and take about an hour. The annual Fall Spectacular, when all operating equipment is in use, is the best weekend to attend. The Spectacular is held on the Saturday and Sunday of Columbus Day weekend in October. There are also special events at Community Appreciation Day in early August and the June Opening on the first full weekend of June (this event did not occur in 2011 as the railroad opening earlier). The train stops at Colgate Grove, a picnic grove at the far end of the operable excursion trackage. The train is turned on a wye for the return trip. The historic railroad maintenance shops are usually open for tours when trains are running, and for group tours by arrangement. Many weekends speeder, handcar and M-3 rides are available on the restored trackage south of Rockhill Furance. The railroad operates excursion trains on a seasonal schedule. The railroad did not operate public excursions in 2012, but a private train for FEBT members did operate. According to the railroad, public excurions may resume in late summer 2013.

if you can accomplish this feat, please Email me at
I hope to here from you soo
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Good luck with that one fella, you're not asking for much.

Just to add to that...

I see you are only a couple of posts into the Trainz thing so....

You simply cannot imagine the level of dedication and passion it takes to complete a Trainz route. Long story short, if some-one had the drive and commitment to complete a project that size they would already be working on it. Anybody who doesn't have the drive and passion won't get it done.

Your best bet is to roll your sleeves up and get stuck in yourself. If your passion won't get it done, nobody else's will either...
It took 10 of us over three years to make an 'accurately detailed' version of the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway. Good luck with yours.

I think Bob Pearson was working on an EBT route, and someone else also.

There are 2 DEM's on the DLS (one covers the entire line into the coal/ore fields, and woodlands).

The present line is only several miles long, with less than a dozen curves.
I can see that you're new to Trainz, so I hope that everyone here goes a little easy on you. I don't think that you realize what you're asking. It could take someone years to create such a route and if they were going to put that much time and dedication into a route project, they're more likely to put the effort into something that they're passionate about. I've created some fictional routes that are almost 100 miles long and it took me close to a year to do it working almost full time on it. A representation of a prototypical route is MUCH more difficult and would probably take several thousand hours to complete. You might want to lower your sights a little. Try some route building yourself and you'll get an idea of the time involved.

Best of luck to you in your quest and welcome to Trainz and the forum.

I also Agree your asking alot and I for one know alot about route building and it takes years to fine tune a route I been working on the same route for 5 years now its no walk in the park alot of time and thot goes into it.
Good luck with your project all the bust.
Laying track and turnouts is easy, once you get the hang of it.

Prototypical curves is sometimes difficult, but gradients on a DEM can be quite entailed, but also is easy to learn (I never hit the "smooth spline tool" button, until a route is done).

Even the most rugged route is just a virtual video game line of track, with bumps in the topography ... nothing special about it.
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That’s an impressive list of requirements.

To be perfectly honest, the people out there who are capable of producing everything you are asking for will probably be earning a good income from creating payware.

Even if you are fortunate enough to find someone with the talent, and willingness, to do this for you free of charge you are likely to be disappointed with the end result. What you might visualise is not necessarily what the artist might produce.

The best way forward, IMHO, is to gather the skills, practice and enjoy the immense satisfaction of producing something original that you can call your own.
TransDEM can accurately reproduce the route, incluing grades. I did a search on the National Historic Map database and found maps only back to 1959 at 1:24000 scale which should show yards and facilities. However the route is only marked as an aboandoned one, with no details. I did find a 1933 map, which showed the route in the East Broad Top area, however the map was a 1:64500 scale map with little detail.
A Google Earth search revealed little detail, although much of the route is still visible.
I think you got your work cut out for you, just to get details on the route.
Good Luck!
greetings all i am posting this because i require a master map maker

The user name says it all, another yank who thinks he only has to whistle & the whole world will do his bidding.

Well listen up son, you ain't nothing but a little boy who's new to this Trainzing mularky, you better start learning quick .......

Rule 1: If you want something for nothing, it's better to ask politely.
Rule 2: Treat your elders with a bit of respect, they've been here longer & will know more than you may ever learn.
Rule 3: Realise that you are most likely more ignorant of anything to do with 'RAILWAYS', than anyone over 30 years
of age from this side of the "POND". ;)

So go steady boy, this here 'game' is a bigger life changer than most hobbies. (just ask the addicts on this forum) :D
¤ ¤ ¤ Not all Brits are bolshy! ¤ ¤ ¤

One thing to remember,"Tha' can tell a Yorkshire man but tha' can't tell him much."

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i have not the time or the patience for such a project.

What a cop out! :eek:

You've done your research, so whats stopping you from having a go at tackling this yourself ?

The only way for you to gain the experience is to learn from those who learned themselves. Unfortunately, I'm not one of them.

My motto is that a fully detailed prototype route is never really finished, as things are constantly changing in reality.
i have not the time or the patience for such a project.
Just curious:
How much are you willing to pay for this list of demands?

I mean, if you think someone is going to do all that for free without starting it on his/her own initiative, consider contacting a psychologist or at least have a good talk with your parents.

You sound very young: You have all the time in the world.
Go start and learn on the way.
Good luck finding someone to do this massive project. It'll probably take someone at least two years to do this. You'll need a really good map maker who is an absolute perfectionist and who will also be a master asset creator.

Still, with Trainz, it is possible. But I wouldn't want to tackle anything this elaborate unless I was totally infatuated with this railroad, it's history, and all. You may have to pay dearly to get this done however. Nobody is gonna do this for free.


Dave Snow