importing global terrain data into a route


New member
I was told that when creating a new route for trainz railroad simulator that there is a way you can import global terrain data and overlay that into your route, so you have real-world terrain to drive over. can anyone tell me how to do this? any help would be tops.
apparantly the user Jerker is the one in the know.
Terrain data

I was told that when creating a new route for trainz railroad simulator that there is a way you can import global terrain data and overlay that into your route, so you have real-world terrain to drive over. can anyone tell me how to do this? any help would be tops.
apparantly the user Jerker is the one in the know.

You can't add data to an existing baseboard. There are programs that will create new sets of baseboards with elevations taken from real world Digital Elevation Maps (DEM). I haven't tried this for some time now and my memory is a little shaky but I will try to point you in the right direction.

You will have to search for these with a search engine. One baseboard builder I've tried is "Hand of God" also known a HOG - try searching with keywords HOG DEM. Hog requires the data to be preprocessed bay another program called "MicroDEM". Another program I've heard about but not tried is "TransDEM 1.2".

Once you have the programs you will need the DEM files for the area you are interested in. They are usually produced by government agencies. In the USA this is the USGS ( - I think): they don't distribute directly but through private companies. Fortunately their deal with these companies requires free distribution over the net of the simplest data (which is just what you need) at a limited bandwidth.

The programs won't add any terrain features directly but can overly textures representing (roughly) the lines of railroads, roads and, I think, rivers. You can also create an underlay (visible by tuning textures off in Surveyor) based on a JPEG of a map of the area.
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Terrain data

Sorry, the search hint HOG DEM doesn't work (you get millions of URL's for hog farming); use the magic (for us) keyword - hog trainz.
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Mapmaker 3i

I've used this 'free' program for awhile now...nice. Have the original thread archived if you want. It includes links and tons of info.