Tunnel for 1/8 Scale Backyard Ride On Train Prototype?


New member
Hello all
I'm creating a prototype for a backyard 1/8-scale ride-on railroad I'm planning for my property. I've been able to import the properly scaled terrain and models of the house and other landmark items into Trainz. However, my route requires a CURVED tunnel high enough to accommodate full-size human riders.
My terrain and architecture models are scaled up, so when I place a standard train and track, they appear as 1/8 scale. The problem is that when I place a tunnel, it, too, is 1/8 scale, which leaves no headroom for the riders.
Is there a method to scale up the ceiling height of tunnels or create a tunnel that, when entered, has finished walls and ceiling?
Only if you build your tunnel as a static model in Blender. Normal tunnels do not scale up. You could of course model a tunnel a a spline as well, but good luck actually placing it on your route. The camera would freak out at the height it would need to be to allow you to place the static model or spline.