How Many Of You Still Have Old Versions of Trainz?


Angry Trainz Nerd
I have a question for you all. How many of you still have your old versions of Trainz, be it for nostalgic reasons, stability, etc.?

I still keep Trainz Driver Edition (aka TRS2006 demo, not to be confused with the mobile sim) for nostalgic reasons. I have Marias Pass X in TS12, but sometimes, the classic Marias Pass is the way to go. Oddly, TDE has the full Marias Pass, but the full version of TRS2006 does not.

So what do you guys have?

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I usually uninstall any previous versions after I upgrade. I currently have both TANE and TS12 only on my system and I am using both. I am still working on a major TS12 project that will, so far, not work on TANE. When more TS12 assets are upgraded to TANE then TS12 will most likely follow the same fate as the earlier versions.
TRS2006 Trainz Railwayz build 3337, as it runs on a low end integrated graphics laptop, and surveyor has no complicated layers, and the CM works flawlessly ... I use it to lay track with, as it is uncomplicated, and is user friendly.
I use TS2010 and will do for the foreseeable future, I have a large complicated integrated project of 10 years of work, I'm not willing to give it up.

TS12 has to many broken parts, to ever consider moving to that. plus DRM

Tane, just to broken and to many miss features. Anti Aliasing only x8 its so fuzzy compared to a clean crisp TS2010, no globalmodule file to allow "Quickportal Manager" to work properly. Vital to my project. Many rules broken in Tane.


I usually uninstall any previous versions after I upgrade. I currently have both TANE and TS12 only on my system and I am using both. I am still working on a major TS12 project that will, so far, not work on TANE. When more TS12 assets are upgraded to TANE then TS12 will most likely follow the same fate as the earlier versions.

That's how I work as well. T:ANE resides on its own hard drive separate from TS12. Once I get everything migrated over, I can then switch totally to T:ANE. When that happens, who knows...!

I also have all my bought versions with original boxes sitting on my shelf and the downloaded versions backed up on DVD.

I have all my versions, but TS2009-T:ANE installed. I'm building my major route in TS2010 and intend to complete it in that version, although, once complete, I may re-lay the track in T:ANE once that version is stable and better-developed so as to take advantage of procedural junctions and superelevation, and, perhaps, interlocking towers.
I have the ones listed above. Still have 2004,2006,2010 on my computer.
Only use 2010 these days.
Any boxed version I buy,I keep..

No one else can register them
This is my frame of mind. I have '04, 10, 12, and T:ANE, 12 and New Era are the only one's installed on my personal system. My little brother took over '04, and I put it on an old desktop my dad brought in from work years ago, but he's too young to care about 'detail', (he gets a thrill just from being able to place any train on a track then running it around), compared to me who's O.C.D. :hehe: I don't use 10 anymore cause 12 runs better on my system strangely, and I don't really have any major problems with it besides needing to run a QDB every once in a while. I could care less about DRM. A New Era is too demanding for my system, (even after the latest patch), and from what I've heard it still needs some tweaking anyway so I'll just stick with 12 cause it's the best for me currently.
Have kept all my discs and boxes of the above trainz versions and they reside in my "collectors library" alongside other boxed pc games that range from the 5 1/4" disc game to now. Only have TS2012 and T:ANE installed (also on Steam) but am using T:ANE mainly.
have the 2006 / 2009 / 2010 / 2012, but favourite is TS 2010. The Assets I like (Transit/trolleys) work on this one and not on the others. I have order T-ANE, but don't have much hope unless my Trolleys/Streetcars and accessories can be added and run on the new program.

85% (approx) of my Trainz time is still spent in TS2010. Size of my TS2010 directory is 780+ gigs. Even though my TS2010 directory has got so large, surprisingly it still runs really well. It's probably the "compatibility" mode that keeps me working in TS2010.

Over the years, I've enjoyed modifying, enlarging, adding to Murchison 2. (my favourite route/layout). While M2 runs well in TS2012, I still prefer to continue working/modding M2 in TS2010 because a lot more of the good "older contents" still work because of "COMPATIBLE" mode.

I'm hoping to one day import my "modded" Murchison 2 into TS2012 and see how it runs. Also want to see what work is needed to get the "added" pre TS2012 content sorted that might need fixing because of the "no-longer compatible" in TS2012.

Overall I'm content with the way Tane is starting to look and are pleased I was a Kick-starter supporter . I know it's going to take N3V a while to sort out some of the kinks, but hasn't that been the case with every new version of Trainz.

IMHO, N3V are heading in the right direction, so please given them a chance over the coming months to do some ironing out...

Foot note; Pleased I stayed out of the some of the RECENT forum "bit_h slapping". re; launch delay, - For/Against DRM, - Boxed version, - Patching, - 8 gig patch, - This not included/That not working - no DLC, etc, etc, debates...

At the end of the day, this is only a Train's sim and as far as I'm concerned, where all enthusiastic about trains and should be able to converse our wide range of views, without any nastiness or personal attacks.

Happy Trainzing everyone...

Cheers, Mac... :D
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