Some newbie Trainz22 questions


New member
My interest in Trainz has been re-ignited after finding a trainz 2006 installation dvd in the draw the other day.
A couple of questions before I buy V22 (or V19)

Does it need a powerful PC? My system is a Ryzen 5 5600 with 16Gb memory and a Geforce GTX 1660 Ti graphics card would this be OK, it's not designed to be a gaming PC but it does run Train sim classic and Train sim world ok.

My main aim is to try and build my own route based on my local area (Wiltshire) but perhaps how it was in the 1960's, I seem to remember I done something similar on the old version - The problem I have with Train sim classic, virtually all the UK routes are in "modern" time with most stations lacking in sidings, goods yards and branch lines, all rather boring to me (just showing my age :) ).

I see V19 is still available on the web site, is there any advantage in purchasing an older version (easier on the cpu?)

Lastly, I see Steam has the main program in the winter sale at the moment, what is the general consensus on buying/downloading from Steam rather than the main web site (apart from price during the sale)


Another quick quick question, is Trainz22 backwardly compatible?
On Steam there are some routes made in 2017 that say they need "TrainZ A new Era" would the run on the latest version

Your system should be fine for running TRS22 in medium settings.
As far as performance between TRS19 and TRS22, there isn't much difference but to me TRS22 runs better.
Steam is fine for buying the main program but DLC on Steam is mostly locked to the version of Trainz it is labeled for. Where DLC bought from N3V will install in any version where it is compatible.
For the most part, older content will install in newer versions but there are some assets that have minor issues that must be fixed.
There are really good sales on through the N3V store at the moment, I'd buy through there if I was you. PC should be fine, the great thing with Trainz is if you're building your own route, you can do it to the level of detail that suits.

Check out the UK screenshots thread for some good inspiration :)
The one advantage that TRS19 has over TRS22 is that it won't receive further 'updates' from N3V that could very well cause more problems than they might have been intended to fix. More than a few of us UK modellers are sticking with TRS19 for this very reason. Possibly once TRS22 is a completed work I might consider it, but not until then.
Check out the UK screenshot threads if you want to see what is possible. There's one for UK modern routes and one for UK pre-Blue Era routes.
Your PC specs sound fine to me by the way.
I’ve managed to transfer old (2006 & earlier) routes into TS19 and 22, however, I did have to use TANE as an intermediary.
Speed trees don’t transfer well!

If you’re going to map a route, consider Trainzdem program - it will let you import terrain and routes from older mapping…
Thanks for all the replies, plenty to think about.
Unfortunately I won't have the old routes I created with the 2006 version, they must be long gone on an old hard disk somewhere.
Hopefully I will be track very soon :)