Guildford to Woking


Mid Hants Fireman
This convostation started in uk screenshots so here is a new thread for the route. Thanks for all your so far. I am having real problems with the landscape. I have done a bit just with my general knowledge of the area, but i know it is not accurate. The easiest way would be to use DEM but i do not have the software and it looks really compucated. Is there any other way of adding landscape with is accurate to a certain degree?

here is all the landscaping i have done



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Paste from the UK Screenshots thread:
No i haven't i guess there on the DLS?
Zoid99: Even though Bloodnook's signals are good, there are better built in ones. Have a look in Third Party UK, they're better than Auran's built-in ones and have the benefit of not requiring download.
i've downloaded bloodnook's signals and i see what you mean. I found them a bit confuseing at first but know i understand them:D
Bloodnok's are better than the built in non-Auran ones. They are more reliable in terms of the feather actually displaying correctly, they include theatres and he has done some accurate UK speed signs to replace the built in ones.

Trust me Bloodnok's are easy to set up and look better imho.

here is all the landscaping i have done


Looks great from here, that looks like the up and down Cobham lines joining the up and down Main/up and down Ash lines :-). Marked on my Quail map as "Guildford New Line Jn." :-)
Anyway, are you planning to go south? Myself and 2 other people are creating the West Coastway line, the line fron Brighton to Portsmouth, which part of it has a short strech of the Pompey direct, only up to the Denvilles/West Leigh (which is about a mile north of Havant) and I would love to go to Fareham, so we may actually turn this into one massive community layout, especially if people do between Woking -> Waterloo (acurately), Southampton/Eastleigh -> Fareham, etc.


BTW, if you are running 2006 and need some decent stock, look on my site.
I did plan to go to portsmount after i reached woking, then goto alton and merge the route to my Mid Hants Railway layout i have done. Track laying is ok once i have all the info i need but as i said before its the landscape i find hard.
The pic you quoted does look correct but then turn the camrea south towards the station and round house and your see what i mean. What i need to maybe on saturday when i come home from the mid hants is to change at aldershot and go via ash and get pics of the line and area. Then go to woking from guildford and take pics.

Yes i'm interested in your idea but you would need a good computer to run it. Also what time period are you basing your route. Mine is 1960-67 so last years of steam. Although it won't take much converting to make it present day. If it was based in the years of steam we could have Nine Elms shed aswell, that would be great :D

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Here's an update.

I've started to use google earth to help me lay the track. Now the line to woking is up to the bridges of the A3 and the line to London Road station is about half way there.



G'day Zoid99,

I have made a quick assessment of the area involved here and have concluded that I could do the DEM for you for this route. There is however, one small problem... would need to do everything all over again as none of the work you have done so far would be compatible with the new Terrain.

Jerker {:)}
i know, but could you make me a DEM of Guilford to Woking this will be a great help. Anyway it will make the track even accurate. The only thing with my mid hantts route when someone made me a DEM map, i didn't understand laying out the track so the cuttings and embanks etc were correct. I would need to be told how to do this.

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"Zoid" its worth remembering if you use Google Earth for detailing that the virtual abandonment of Weedkilling Trains and trackside vegetation removal only really dates from the creation of Railtrack in the 90s.In the 60s and 70s veggie would be kept well back from the track and the track itself (esp in large stations) would be bare clean ballast.This has the beneficial effect of saving you from having to install lots of Tree Splines...;)
Yes i'm interested in your idea but you would need a good computer to run it. Also what time period are you basing your route. Mine is 1960-67 so last years of steam. Although it won't take much converting to make it present day. If it was based in the years of steam we could have Nine Elms shed aswell, that would be great.

Mine is based on the modern day, well, actually when PARS is finished. I do intend to go back to the 1950s/1960s, because I wish to run the older stock, BILs, Tin HALs, NOLs, CORs, BUFs, PULs, CEPs, BEPs, ETC. :-)

Now, anyone up for a BIL/HAL - CHI - POMP run?
"Zoid" its worth remembering if you use Google Earth for detailing that the virtual abandonment of Weedkilling Trains and trackside vegetation removal only really dates from the creation of Railtrack in the 90s.In the 60s and 70s veggie would be kept well back from the track and the track itself (esp in large stations) would be bare clean ballast.This has the beneficial effect of saving you from having to install lots of Tree Splines...;)

Thanks for the info. It will save alot of time :)

Wessex Electric Nutter, what we could have is a modern day route then a 1950-60's route. This could be quite fun fo a morden day route as you could have Clan Line or another main line engine start off as engine and support coach from Ropley (Mid Hantts Railway) go to alton and collect the stock, then go to portsmouth or brighton, then if we did go to waterloo or victoria, have a cathedreals express to one of those stations.

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G'day Zoid99,

I would be only too pleased to start work on this route for you. However, before I do, I need to know how far 'out of' Woking (towards Weybridge) you would have me go. At the other end, I will give you a mile or so of the main line and each of the branches, so that you have something with which to 'work' (read "play"). Let me know your thoughts and I will start on the route, right away.

As for the track laying to which you refer, I must assume you are talking about the gradients and such. As far as the routes that I supply are concerned, the Terrain is supplied with a textured map sourced from the official OS maps, so the physical (geographical) location of any railway lines (and just about everything else) shown in the map is already there ready to be 'traced' (making your task all that much easier). In order to obtain the correct gradients, so that the embankments and cuttings are correct (it should be noted that these are also shown in the OS maps), one needs to have a copy of the gradient diagrams for the line (which should show the required heights of various locations - the stations primarily - and the gradient changes of the track between them), allowing the track to be correctly graded relative to the terrain. Unfortunately, I cannot help you out with any gradient profiles for English Railways, although I do believe they are readily available.

Awaiting your response...

Jerker {:)}
Thanks for the info. It will save alot of time :)

Wessex Electric Nutter, what we could have is a modern day route then a 1950-60's route. This could be quite fun fo a morden day route as you could have Clan Line or another main line engine start off as engine and support coach from Ropley (Mid Hantts Railway) go to alton and collect the stock, then go to portsmouth or brighton, then if we did go to waterloo or victoria, have a cathedreals express to one of those stations.

One you might like, is the Waterloo express. Lets say that PARS was done on time and the Piggies were going out of service, now a WAT - PMH Piggy fast run, followed by a PMH - WAT PIGGY slow?
Ok then, once again thanks for your help.

Starting at Guildford, could the line start at the from the entrance of the tunnel. So before you get to guildford you have to go throught the tunnel which seems to go on for ever. Its 845yds the book i've got says. Could the line which branches off the the east goto London Road station and the line which branches off the west go up to Wanborough.

Now at woking. Can the line go up to the junction which goes off to alton, so just through brookwood. This is so one day i can link the route with the mid hants. Now going up towards london, can the line continue up to west byfleet.

With the gradients i'll start by asking my mum of all poeple because she is a driver for southwest trains and drives this route quite often. If not i'm sure the liberay will have something.

G'day Zoid99,

Your wish is my command. I see no reason why I cannot comply with those requirements!

As for the gradient profiles, as a former train driver of 25 years standing (well, most of it sitting, actually) with the Victorian Railways here in Victoria, Australia, dare I say that if your mum doesn't have this information readily at hand, then she has not been trained properly (which immediately brings into question the ability of Southwest Trains to hold their Safety Certificate as a Railway Operator)! If she 'runs' over this route on a regular basis, as you say, she should be able to help you out from memory!

I shall commence work on the route as soon as possible.

Jerker {:)}
G'day Zoid99,

A small problem has arisen. I have followed the line to the East as per your directions and have managed to get as far as a place called Effingham Junction without finding anywhere marked as London Road. Have I gone too far or should I keep going?

Jerker {:)}