GMax and 3DSMax (And any other modeling program) screenies/renders

Awesome pics Ryan and everyone else. :) Not a whole lot to show tonight. Very unproductive day today. Thanks for reskinartistatwork for posting the past updates. Its been an enjoyable project and an honor to be asked to skin it. Ive worked very hard here and I hope you all enjoy. ;) EDIT: Shes going back to the shops for a little fixes.
Here I have added a few details and "shadowing".

Over here I am working closer to the cab now, adding details where needed. I will go back around the cab and continue work.

Last pic. Here you can see more "shadowing" as well as the warning label by the brake wheel.
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I think ya need to re-size those door latches a smidgeon there bud unless who ever opens them has hands 2ft wide.
Cheers Mick.
Did a bake test too see how bad my mapping was and so far apart from a few dark spots where i'll have to re map i'm pretty wrapped with it.

Cheers Mick.:)
Mick --

What is it? It reminds me of the World Series Alcos used by both the South Australian Railways and the New South Wales Government Railways. But not the device on the exhaust stack. Is it a scrubber?

