Glen Innes NSW


New member
Any route designers out there with no idea what to build next? Try reconstructing Glen Innes NSW Australia. I would really, really like an acurate Glen Innes railway.

:cool: Patrick:cool:
Hi Lonewood

I believe Natvander was working on a route but nhave not heard or seen anything from him in quite a while - busy I guess.


Unfortunately, Nat and David have suspended their 'operations' indefinitely (see the thread about it that was recently dug up).

However, that being said, they were building it for TRS06, or a new TC, I believe.

UTC, you won't likely see much new for that. Especially since it is now a 5 or more year old game. And TRS2004 is a 4 or more year old game. Not got the exact release dates on hand, so can't be much more accurate than that... Especially with the new features available in TS2009, you will see less content being made for 04. It won't stop completely, but many of the new features are completely incompatible with older versions.

But, if you need it, you can always have a go at building it yourself ;)
