Forgot where to download DEM's


Owner of ZPW.
Can someone point me in the correct area of where to download DEM's for use with creating real maps for Trainz using TransDEM?
From the Trainz Edition of the TransDEM manual, Release 2.3, Part 1: Overview and Functionality; Quick Start Guide (bottom of page 9, continued top of page10]:

3. Do the Map Tiles tutorial. This tutorial shows how to access and use certain online map data sources with a
built-in TransDEM client
. It also explains how to create simple vector data The tutorial can be found in the TransDEM main
manual, on page 126: “Tutorial 7: Map Tile Services”. Return here afterwards.
[Emphasis added.]

Ok. I've got the map area I want, but I can't seem to export it correctly out of TransDEM. It's in UTM format, and I can't change what Trainz Version I want it for, and I can't also select the custom content folder.
If you can't find the information in the manual, or it doens't happen to be there, you might find help more quickly in the TransDEM forums cf. <>.

NVM. I overlooked the setting when viewing settings. I'm just trying to figure out how to set the World Origin to Center, so that TransDEM can export the map to Trainz