Content Creation help


New member
Hi guys been a while since ive posted moved house and only got the internet going!!

ok well here is my porblem, ive finaly got through my very first Gmax content creation! i followed it the word and everything worked out very nicely for me, ive imported it into Trainz and surveyor has listed it but when i try to place it in surveyor it wont do it, could someone help me out? im using TRS2004 with the latest build. i do have trs2006 but i need RAM:mad: lol. anyway any help would be greatly appreciated!


Welcome back.

First, what does TO say about your object?
Are all textures in the folder and are they all correctly sized?
Check and double check the config file. Do file names match the actual files, exactly?
im not sure ,but if you invest into ram you wont have this probem on o6
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Ok sorry for the long reply

ive triple checked config it exactly right, TO has no messages for the object, the images are the right size. im going to invest in RAM but soon Microsoft will force everybody to Vista and it will be cheaper to buy a new machine, well for me anyway.
I would check the config again. Especially spelling. I just finished making a new object. It was copied from an older object and I had forgotten to change one of the reference names in the config. The new object was listed in Surveyor without any image. Once I corrected the config, the previous insert showed in the map. It was there all the time, just not visible. TO didn't flag an error since technically, it wasn't an error, just my spelling didn't match the file name.
Gmax and making objects can be tricky:( .

As Martinvk said, the config file is a common place for bugs. If u start using 2006, don't use the content creator to create things (all u need from it is the kuid number),. Instead, use explorer and a pre-made config file, and copy all the "different" things into it. Then use the copy and paste function to copy the content back into the new config file and save it. Then copy all the files from some gmax folder(the *.im, *.tga and/or *.bmp, *.txt ) files into explorer and commit. I have 2 pre-made config files on my desktop, one for splines and one for non-splines. This way (if u have 2006 or 2004), the finished files can be used by 2004 and 2006 users as long as u set the version in the config files to 2 (not 2.5), and at the same time use explorer instead of content creator. Just take some file and open it for edit, then use the notepad to change all the personal items, (copyright, licence, web sites....etc) to ur own settings. Then save the file to ur desktop or some convenient place. Use this file as a blueprint for all the files u make....

One important thing is when u make the texture files in PSP (or other paint programs) remember to save the files in 16 bit uncompressed. Do not use 8 or 24 bit.

I hope u get it right...

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Ok sorry for the long reply

ive triple checked config it exactly right, TO has no messages for the object, the images are the right size. im going to invest in RAM but soon Microsoft will force everybody to Vista and it will be cheaper to buy a new machine, well for me anyway.

Microsoft have promised to support good old Windows XP for the next 5 years. By which time most people probably would of bought a new pc anyway.

Also, which tutorial did you follow? Was it the Brick Box?
When I did that one, I made a mistake on the kuid, but TO fixed it for me and the item could be placed and removed (using the undo button) but couldn't be seen.
I then found the simple box tutorial here... at the bottom of this page, printed it out and used it with the Brick Box tutorial to make a new item. That time I got a box that appeared and can be manipulated in Trainz.
I still have a long way to go, but I've started. Hopefully, this will help you as much as it did me.

:cool: Claude
I cheacked the config file it was a simple spelling mistake lol. it was the brick box tutorial, now ill trythe next box tutorial then ill attemt to build Coleraine station.