Commodity Problem


New member
Hi all,

I have scoured the forums and did not find this problem. So here is mine.
I used car 2Bay ACF CovHopper (they all exhibit this problem). When viewing the commodities of a car, the list has two of each. The product list is empty. If I delete six of these (deleting one commodity will delete both), the product list is then populated. It does not matter which set of commodities are deleted.

I then save and the car is fine for the session, but reverts to original double commodities the next time I load the route and session. Have any of you observed this behavior? If so, please clue me in. Thanks.
Before I gave up on TS12 and multiplayer I saw that type of problem every 17 1/2 minutes or so, not as often after backpedaling to TS2010. Problem is the DLS cleanup project, the intention is to correct major errors in older assets, but since it's an unpaid volunteer job you generally get 10 year old kids doing the corrections. So they tinker until they get something that's error free in content manager without actually testing in game, upload a KUID2 replacement that breaks every asset dependent on the one they "fixed", the "fix" needs to be fixed, eventually you have a <KUID2: whatever :89> and have to download all 87 of the ones in between to get number 89 before content manager stops complaining about it. In desperation I've sometimes hacked freight car reskins to remove the product queues so you can no longer load them at industries, but at least they're usable in game.
Jim --

It's even worse when that same 10-year old takes one of my older routes that says "This route is for TS10 ... ", hacks it to work in T:ANE, with the end result that it neither works in TS10 (because of the build-number) nor in T:ANE (because of missing or faulty dependencies).

I'm still listed as the author which, for me, is a real bummer.
I've run into that too, Jim with engine specs. The 10 year-old who fixed the ALCO RS3s made them useless in CAB mode. I fixed a couple of them, but I can't remember now what I did.
I hollered about that Alco engine spec for a couple months, then gave up and made my own, uploaded KUID2 replacements of all the RS3s and RSD5s I reskinned.

Phil, I know what you mean;

PON P70 Coach 3,<kuid2:522774:100288:2>

I got curious and downloaded that to install manually, the one and only change to the file was to edit the config.txt from build 2.9 to build 3.5 - which is incompatible with TS2010. If the kid wanted a newer version why didn't he clone it and upload under his own KUID? I never had any restrictions on that kind of thing, but a KUID2 direct replacement for something that didn't need any fixing at all for the versions it was made for? What the hell is N3V thinking even allowing nonsense like that? There's really no point to the DLS cleanup project if nobody is going to supervise it and they'll allow anybody to hack away at anyone else's content for no valid reason, so they might as well shut it down.
I hollered about that Alco engine spec for a couple months, then gave up and made my own, uploaded KUID2 replacements of all the RS3s and RSD5s I reskinned.

Phil, I know what you mean;

PON P70 Coach 3,<kuid2:522774:100288:2>

I got curious and downloaded that to install manually, the one and only change to the file was to edit the config.txt from build 2.9 to build 3.5 - which is incompatible with TS2010. If the kid wanted a newer version why didn't he clone it and upload under his own KUID? I never had any restrictions on that kind of thing, but a KUID2 direct replacement for something that didn't need any fixing at all for the versions it was made for? What the hell is N3V thinking even allowing nonsense like that? There's really no point to the DLS cleanup project if nobody is going to supervise it and they'll allow anybody to hack away at anyone else's content for no valid reason, so they might as well shut it down.

Yes! I've used that one as well. :)

I agree on the clean-up project; it's intention was good but didn't quite work the way it should. Presently it's on hold as the Trainz Dev team is going to take the reigns and work on a new plan of attack.
What made me curious was I got this last July;

Hi sniper297,

As part of our continuing effort to improve the Trainz user experience we have performed an error checking parse over every asset on the Download Station using the latest Trainz validation code. During this parse we have identified several of your assets as being faulty.
These assets are as follows:

<KUID2:522774:100288:1> - PON P70 Coach 3

In order to improve the Trainz experience for all players we are endeavoring to repair or remove all faulty content on the Download Station. As such we would greatly appreciate it if you are able to upload repaired versions of these assets. Repaired assets can be uploaded via the standard asset upload process in Content Manager or via the Auran website.
If you are unable to repair the assets yourself we will be allowing the community the opportunity to provide fixed versions. The faulty assets listed above will be made publicly available for repair 4 weeks from the date this email was sent. If you wish to provide your own repaired versions please do so before this time, or contact the helpdesk if you need longer.

For full details about this important process, please visit the Trainz wiki here:

A guide on how to upload a new version of a Trainz asset is available here:

The Trainz Team

Checked in content mangler, no errors, no warnings, no missing or faulty dependencies. I figured they mist have come up with some new idiotic flag for TANF (Trainz A New Foulup, which I ain't buying into) but it was created in 2010, has no problems in 2010, if it has problems in TANF they need to fix the error checker. From what I've read there are a lot of other things they need to fix in that version so the error checking subroutine is probably not a high priority. They never did fix all the false alarms in TS12. To me it's no mystery why freeware contributors get disgusted with the whole mess and give up on it.
I found that my assets were being rename - someone kept adding tags stating the assets were now TS12 standards when they were not one item even had a mesh in it that was for a whole different asset which was not mine
Yes! I've used that one as well. :)

I agree on the clean-up project; it's intention was good but didn't quite work the way it should. Presently it's on hold as the Trainz Dev team is going to take the reigns and work on a new plan of attack.
This is why the Trainz Dev team, made up of about a dozen users including myself who work directly with N3V development on various issues including new build testing and so on, are now taking over the project. This hasn't been implemented yet but will be at some point. We discuss lots of things and I recommend that you take a look at the forum there.

You can't post there because it's member-only posting privileges, but you can read to your heart's content. If you have any questions regarding anything posted there, PM me or someone else on the team. Clam1952, Deane, Vinnie, Andi06, and Itareus, are members, and will forward your question. You can even post in the Kickstarter/T:ANE forum and we will link to your question.

The reason for this small wall is to keep the regular support-type questions out of that forum so we don't get people in there asking us to help them with the usual stuff that can usually be resolved in the other forums

Now, you should eventually take a look at T:ANE as it has come a long way since the beginning. The latest build 80270, beta, is not half bad. The performance difference between this and TS12 is totally amazing. Add to that shadows, and everything else and it's truly great operating one of the older routes, ones we've worked on for a decade or more, come to life in a different way. This version, unlike TS12, supports most of the flipboard and billboard trees so they don't look like window screens.

Like all versions of Trainz, however, some content will need repairs and updates, but if these are done properly, ahem, then the content can be imported without issue. I have nearly my full database running in T:ANE at the moment. It has 174,000 assets, no errors, and only a few missing dependencies on routes because the content could not be repaired due to LOD issues, and this number is only about 6 assets.
