City Skylines, a new city simulator.

Because at times if Steam can't connect to the internet it will refuse to launch a game. Furthermore, while you have to be online to download it, there's always the possibility of soneone downloading the product onto a device that has an internet connection and transferring it to their gaming rig. This is more common than you would think, but the stipulation of an online "check in" or activation prevents the user from doing so.
I'm just going to say that anybody with a brain present, and functioning cells inside that brain, can see if it is on steam for sale, it probably needs steam to launch it. Yes, even if you buy Trainz on steam, you need steam to launch it. It's pretty simple if you don't like steam, don't buy it, and play SimCity. I'm going to say that with the new SimCity (Yes I own it, and play it, a lot of fun for me :) ) you need Orgin for it to launch. It doesn't say that as one of the system requirements, but if you know EA, which has created its own steam like app, called Orgin, then you'll know you probably need it. Whether or not a game needs steam does not change the fun and overall playing value of a game. I also have an Xbox 360, and I like to play Forza Motorsport 4. I can't play it on my PC because you can only use it on Xbox 360. Using your logic, I shouldn't play it, because it might be misleading, it doesn't say on the case, DON'T TRY THIS ON A PC, IT WILL NOT WORK, REQUIRES XBOX 360 TO PLAY.
Thanks for proving the point of my previous post better than I ever could have.

Says the guy who emailed "several sources" whether or not a Steam game needed an internet connection...proceeds to buy inferior city-building game that requires an even worse digital download service. Did you also ask Ford if their cars need gas to run? <-now that's comedy

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confirmation bias nicky. good luck!

it's a shame the threads that have been ruined because of the pedantic nonsense.

Cities: Skylines is a lot of fun. had it for 2 days and it is always "ok just one more thing" before I know it I've been sitting here for an hour!

I agree... So what if Steam is used. In the beginning I was a bit put off from using their wares, but as time has gone on I've purchased a bit more items from them and I've had very little problems with using them.

Regarding this game, it's definitely addicting. As the cities grow, like my city I've posted pictures of, they become fascinating to watch as the traffic negotiates intersections while pedestrians scoot between the moving cars. My city is now close to 180K citizens and growing. Even with all the tiles unlocked using a community-supplied mod, I have had no crashes or poor performance, and Colossal Order has just updated the program to fix some reported bugs. At least they're right in the forums and replying to the users daily. There's nothing like seeing posts from the CEO right in there with the users as she responds to user comments regarding the program. This is very much unlike EA, which provided some support in the beginning then dropped SimCity 2013 like a hot potato once the product was fully patched and released.

And all of this for roughly $30.00 is even better. It kind of reminds me of the old days...

I'm just going to say that anybody with a brain present, and functioning cells inside that brain, can see if it is on steam for sale, it probably needs steam to launch it. Yes, even if you buy Trainz on steam, you need steam to launch it. It's pretty simple if you don't like steam, don't buy it, and play SimCity. I'm going to say that with the new SimCity (Yes I own it, and play it, a lot of fun for me :) ) you need Orgin for it to launch. It doesn't say that as one of the system requirements, but if you know EA, which has created its own steam like app, called Orgin, then you'll know you probably need it. Whether or not a game needs steam does not change the fun and overall playing value of a game. I also have an Xbox 360, and I like to play Forza Motorsport 4. I can't play it on my PC because you can only use it on Xbox 360. Using your logic, I shouldn't play it, because it might be misleading, it doesn't say on the case, DON'T TRY THIS ON A PC, IT WILL NOT WORK, REQUIRES XBOX 360 TO PLAY.

That's pretty much what I was saying to Nicky. He assumed that I "appear to have an internet connection, since you're writing this. May I suggest leaving the 'worrying about people with no internet connection who wish to play a game' to the people who actually have no internet connection and wish to play a game?" Which isn't true as far as my gaming rig as concerned (and I've told him this a few times already, so he may already know, but he has a history of trying to simply stir the pot.) I have no internet capability on that machine, for a number of reasons.

Sure, I would expect that the developer or publisher of Forza Motorsport 4 to state that an Xbox 360 is required to play, lest people unwittingly buy it and try to run it on their PC. A quick search on Google suggests they make it abundantly clear that an Xbox is required. As it stands, an internet connection is just as much of a requirement for Cities Skylines to run as an Xbox360 is for Forza. The only difference between your comparison and mine is that I used an Android tablet as an example of what I (sometimes) use to connect to the internet but yet can't run Cities Skylines, as opposed to your comparison of an XBox360 required to play Forza.
Says the guy who emailed "several sources" whether or not a Steam game needed an internet connection...proceeds to buy inferior city-building game that requires an even worse digital download service. Did you also ask Ford if their cars need gas to run? <-now that's comedy

Hey, SC4 will be working long after Paradox/Steam pulls the plug on your junk.

Yeah, GoG is so terrible - download, install, play, never have to worry about having a client installed, having an active internet connection after downloading, or misleading system requirements. Yeah, that's so horrible.

Hahahah, naah. Your original beef was with the developers somehow not making it clear enough to you that Skylines needed an internet connection, tablet or not. Don't try and twist your story to pin it on anyone else, my friend.

Psst, protip: Steam has an offline mode.
Hahahah, naah. Your original beef was with the developers somehow not making it clear enough to you that Skylines needed an internet connection, tablet or not. Don't try and twist your story to pin it on anyone else, my friend.

Psst, protip: Steam has an offline mode.

Yes, that they mislead about this important minimum system requirement. NOW you appear to be getting it, kind of. Was that really such a hard concept to grasp? Well, obviously, it was.

Oh, forget to mention in my previous post, yeah, every car I've ever owned either had an operator's manual that specified what gas is required and even minutae like octane rating. Most dealers have it on a sticker on the window. Kind of an important detail...
HAHAHA you get more absurd the more you type! :hehe:

coming from a guy who lives for video games in a virtual world.

What a great comment! First all the crazy blithering about steam and online gaming and then a juvenile attempt at insulting someone you dont even know! You must feel really important on the internet. It really is funny to watch you give all of these nonsense lectures and then try and rearrange your own words so that you sound right. This would be an amazing trick if it actually worked. Keep going let's see how deep a hole you can dig yourself.
What a great comment! First all the crazy blithering about steam and online gaming and then a juvenile attempt at insulting someone you dont even know! You must feel really important on the internet. It really is funny to watch you give all of these nonsense lectures and then try and rearrange your own words so that you sound right. This would be an amazing trick if it actually worked. Keep going let's see how deep a hole you can dig yourself.

Lol, I only know what you've presented here, on other forums and the brief time in Gallitzin; had I really wanted to get to know you, I would have. You struck me as a real-life version of Comicbook Guy from the Simpsons. The lesson here is maybe you should stop with your petty sniping attacks. You seem to have a real problem with people who question you or who see flaws in your positions.
Oh we all grasped the concept just fine, it seems you didn't. Otherwise you would not have bought a Steam game and expected it to work without Steam.

Yeah, because a Steam fanboy mislead me (hint: a CD key and a Steam key are not the same thing, evidently another concept that's difficult for you to grasp.) Hence, why I'm harping about getting all the details accurately, right from the source. Has it occurred to you that I'm not taking your word for anything because I've been lied to by Steam fanboys before?
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If I were misled by anyone - much less fanboys of any sort - I'd be ashamed of myself and maybe trying to learn a thing two from the incident instead of continually kicking up a fuss everytime the subject is mentioned.
Lol, I only know what you've presented here, on other forums and the brief time in Gallitzin; had I really wanted to get to know you, I would have. You struck me as a real-life version of Comicbook Guy from the Simpsons. The lesson here is maybe you should stop with your petty sniping attacks. You seem to have a real problem with people who question you or who see flaws in your positions.

Yeah that wasn't what the comment was about - further demonstrating that you know nothing about me does not help your tinfoil-hat cause any. You can parade around and act like you know something that nobody else does no matter how ridiculous it is and call those who don't want to take part in your kool-aid session 'fanboys' but it doesn't make you look any more intelligent. You made your point, if it is so strong then why do you feel the need to continuously manipulate it and reinforce it with more flimsy arguments. You continue to make a fool of yourself the more you post, and I don't associate with people like that. I don't want you to know me and I don't want to know you let's keep it that way.
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Yeah that wasn't what the comment was about - I don't want you to know me and I don't want to know you let's keep it that way. You continue to make a fool of yourself the more you post, and I don't associate with people like that.

Lol, good, thank you, I would love that. If you won't inject mindless comments about my posts, I won't comment on yours. Let us agree on this much.
If I were misled by anyone - much less fanboys of any sort - I'd be ashamed of myself and maybe trying to learn a thing two from the incident instead of continually kicking up a fuss everytime the subject is mentioned.

Interesting, my takeaway is quite the opposite: If somebody lies to me or misleads me, I would be inclined not to believe that person in the future. By extension, I would - at a minimum - tend to take any similarly (for lack of a better way of putting it) fanatical supporters/users of that product. The problem with fanboys (and I'M NOT CALLING OUT ANYBODY HERE) is it's like trying to reason with or get honest answers from a brick wall. Again, that's why I'm harping on Paradox's failure to include important little details; put another way, I'm long past expecting an accurate answer from the fanboys or people who have lied/mislead in the past. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.
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