Auran gone???

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Day do doh dont day doh
Apart from this forum site i can't access any auran site , has Auran bit the dust ? If this is true we should all back up our downloads NOW . Someone somewere will have copy's of items off the DLS If we get organised we can keep all this content, & keep trainz alive with new pay & freeware sites...:(
Gone? Where? Off-work along the weekend? Of course they were! Please calm down, the DS is working fine now.

What you are proposing is not that easy. All the contents at the DS have original owners.

Alberte :wave:
Working fine again (DLS and website) ... first time in two days.

And it is still Sunday ... even in Brisbane.

Backing things up ... If you are a Content-Creator it would make a bit of sense to make sure you have (local) copies of the things you have on DLS (just in case)


I know it wont be easy thats why i said we should get organised. I think the best way for trainz to go is for regional downloads (uk, usa, aus, etc). some content will be lost due, to lost interest or in fighting, but most can be saved. Am sure many trainzers are sick of the up & down, in & out of the auran & dls websites.
I am actually more sick and tired about all those doomsday topics which sprout the moment somebody is experiencing a DLS hiccup. My ignore list is growing rapidly because of it. :hehe:
My dear Paul,

I (and many other contributors to the DS, who are not complaining) are not sick of anything, I can assure you.

Of course we have other sources and hosting solutions (many of them our own sites which you should visit from time to time ;)). I don't think creators should need to back up anything at all. (:hehe: Yes, I need to back up my mind to find where all of them are stored at my discs :hehe: )

No doomsday is announced at the news media today. Going back to sleep. :hehe:

Have a nice Sunday,

Alberte :wave:
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It would be interesting to know just how many trainz users, or potential users Auran have allready lost with the up/down joke the DLS is. Let's not forget the many at Auran that lost job's at christmas, due to the greed of managerment, trying to become millionaire's with ''Fury''
It would be interesting to know just how many trainz users, or potential users Auran have allready lost with the up/down joke the DLS is. Let's not forget the many at Auran that lost job's at christmas, due to the greed of managerment, trying to become millionaire's with ''Fury''

If Auran were not trying to make as much money as they can, you would not be playing TRS, think about it.

Cheers David
You know what would happen if the DLS would be attacked by pink alligators? All the content... GONE!!! :D:D:D Let's do something!!

Sorry, had to get this out of my system.

Seriously. Servers are machines. They do fail. Power outage, hight bandwidth usage, and so on. I really theese threads. "Oh noes!! i cannot connect to the DLS this instant! Auran went bankrupt!! No more content!!! Oh Noes!!!". Really, people.... :n:
Nothing wrong in making money its how the world works, but there has to be limits ,Auran got it wrong with ''Fury'' .Greed was there downfall, should have stayed with what they did best, & all those people would still have job's . As for doomsday posts , they will stop when we have a better download site or sites, I would be happy to pay double for relibable downloads whoever host's them
Well I haven't had any problems with the DLS (using CMP) whenever I've connected over the last few days.

However I can see where the OP and others who have posted in similar vein are getting their concerns from. Trainz and in particular CMP relies almost entirely on the whole idea of DLS as a central repository for dependencies in a route. It would be easier said than done to round up all the items needed for a third party route via indie sites even if you knew where to obtain them.

One solution would be a procedural option in Content Dispatcher so that it includes all assets which are not default as well as the author's own in the route cdp. This would allow the complete route to be hosted on any train sim server (UKTS, without anyone downloading worrying about missing assets. There might be some duplication, i.e. the item is already in your Trainz setup but better than missing out.

Whether such a change is feasible or whether there's any money in the TRS budget to make such a change is another matter. And not forgetting it was Auran themselves who, in better times, discouraged third party hosting of Trainz stuff as they saw logging into the DLS and the KUID system etc. an effective measure against piracy. Nice idea at the time, but with hindsight...

As I say, this is all hopefully smoke and mirrors and the DLS will be available for the foreseeable future. However no one knows what lies around the corner and some contingency planning doesn't hurt - unless we want to end up building routes that only use default or our own content.
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FTP is the most reliable thus far, so I suggest that everyone not knowledgeable about it learn how to use it.

Planet Auran, Auran main site, DLS, 04, 06 and TC websites are all working fine here.:D

Give Auran a break it's their weekend in Brisbane:) and everyone knows it happens on weekends, DLS goes for a bumpy ride and paul just need to be patient.


North American Trainz Team

Edit: Spelling
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Auran got it wrong with ''Fury'' .Greed was there downfall, should have stayed with what they did best, & all those people would still have job's .
This is just plain daft. All those people had jobs because of Fury and it was always the case that when it was finished they'd be out of a job. That's how the world works.

unless we want to end up building routes that only use default or our own content.

Hi, Vern.

Not to that extend, IMHO. Given that moment (which I don't foresee at this time and circumstances), the only change required would be an open-minded attitude among creators allowing to change the trainzetiquette so as to make possible distribute routes and third party contents altogether in a .cdp.

But I insist on not having read any doomsday announced on my local paper. I trust them. :hehe:

Alberte :wave:
One solution would be a procedural option in Content Dispatcher so that it includes all assets which are not default as well as the author's own in the route cdp. This would allow the complete route to be hosted on any train sim server (UKTS, without anyone downloading worrying about missing assets. There might be some duplication, i.e. the item is already in your Trainz setup but better than missing out.

This is what an archive does in CMP.

It doesn't get the required permissions for hosting the content though unfortunately ;)

However no one knows what lies around the corner and some contingency planning doesn't hurt - unless we want to end up building routes that only use default or our own content.
As Vern says contingency can't hurt .At last someone with sense . we have to make plans now, we don't know what will happen to auran in the next few months. If nothing is done all that content,& hard work etc could be lost .Is that what we want ??
Trainz content is archived all over the world in many locations. I personally have 12279 items including default content on my PC. Now there are quite a few more people that have much more than me. Sounds like even if Auran disappeared tomorrow ( highly doubt that and I am not trying to start a rumour ) that all content on the DLS is somewhere if not in many locations.

Trainz will be here for quite a while with or without Auran.
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