JointedRail stuff [screenshots/renders]

I haven't tried Clovis just yet, that's my next project.......
Well i have it working great in TS2010 Comp Mode if that is any help to you Ex then give me a call mate and i'll see if i can help.
Cheers Mick.:)
Cheers Mick, but, no need Sir, I've managed to get Clovis installed in my TRS2010, up and running, so, just doing a few tweaks (which will take me several hours....:hehe:) and then I'll get some screenies posted. I may even get my other new JR acquisition involved.........Stay tuned. :mop:

Cheerz. ex.
cabs are dark places and photos will look bright because of a flash setting on the camera

*source : experience on a rr internship
I'll just leave this here
Just got both of the SD70MAC's in the Labor Day sale with discount, an absolute bargain at 10 Bucks, thanks a lot fellas.
Love the new cab interior with the digital speedo, et al, very hi-tech......:p
Here's a few piccys for those yet to obtain them.

Click on the full version wording underneath each screenshot for a bigger view.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.

Just got both of the SD70MAC's in the Labor Day sale with discount, an absolute bargain at 10 Bucks, thanks a lot fellas.
Love the new cab interior with the digital speedo, et al, very hi-tech......:p
Here's a few piccys for those yet to obtain them.

Click on the full version wording underneath each screenshot for a bigger view.

Cheerz. ex-railwayman.

i think the darker version looks better
that is an amaizng shot!
is that the sd40-2, or the gp40-2?

I believe GP38-2. I'm not good with the model numbers...but I know the locomotives from my youth rolling through Tennessee with high hoods and black paint when I see 'em!

My Daughter surprised me tonight, I was showing off my new engines and she said dad those are just like your old model trains which has been boxed up for at least 10 years. She has a good eye!
Now that is an awesome pic with the Southern Loco's there Netjam very nice indeed, Keep up the great work.
Cheers Mick.:cool:
I believe GP38-2. I'm not good with the model numbers...but I know the locomotives from my youth rolling through Tennessee with high hoods and black paint when I see 'em!

My Daughter surprised me tonight, I was showing off my new engines and she said dad those are just like your old model trains which has been boxed up for at least 10 years. She has a good eye!

that is cool, does it have a c class truck or a b class?
(3 wheels on each side or 2?)
that is cool, does it have a c class truck or a b class?
(3 wheels on each side or 2?)

Taylor....I ran down to Union Mills and caught 5246x while switching, it would appear we have have b class trucks. :eek:

Locomotive looks great even closeup live on the computer. I lost just a bit of resolution turning this into a JPEG. Also screenies don't capture that 3D feeling you get while running TRAINZ. So if you are shopping take that into effect. (I am guessing there are other tough customers like me that really look over screenshots and kick-it around before buying).

Mick thanks for the kind words and again a really fine looking locomotive at a great price!
i wish i still had my SOU SD45, id upload some pics. but ever seince jointedrail changed their site, the dont give that option to get your locomotives back:(
i wish they did, i have a fat list of everything that i baught
here's what i dont have
SF C30-7 Kodac
BN C30-7
UP GP38-2 With Strobes
DRGW GP40-2 Patched

(this is all i can think of, and i wish i could get it back)
well backups are your friend. you cloud do one of these:

1. get a few CD-Rs and burn them, lock them away in a safe place. cost: $5-15

2. get an auto backup service like Mozy or something similar. cost: around $6 per month

3. ask us to review the purchase orders in the store database and make a special download just for you. cost: $5

edit: since you have already made the mistake of losing them, your only option now is 3. at that point, you will be able to choose from any of the great services above.
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