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    • J
      Welcome back, Flusi :) !
    • J
      java23 replied to the thread Is trainzland.org hacked?.
      Hi guys, I'm using the 2 (unamable) russian sites since years (and being registered there) and have never had any annoyance with them...
    • J
      java23 replied to the thread Catenary Line's.
      Hi guys, Just a note relative to the curved effect : in France, there was a catenary system, developped by one region of the SNCF...
    • J
      java23 replied to the thread Snap... no!.
      Hi guys, Coloured or not ... the problem is that when you have tons of circles in my example explained above, they litterally obstruct...
    • J
      java23 replied to the thread Snap... no!.
      Hi guys, What I would LOVE is a possibility to turn off these big white circles showing the ends of a spline : when you are building or...
    • J
      java23 replied to the thread Screenshots of European Trains.
      Hi Witold, I've already said it, but ... your road vehicules are definately deliciously 60's/70's :love: !! Cheer, Philippe
    • J
      Hi guys, Sorry to be sarcastic ... but ... what about it, in two or three years, when the company will have inevitably abandoned it...
    • J
      java23 replied to the thread Coaches Exhausting Smoke!.
      Well ... I think that the driver of this train will be in serious trouble : the handbrakes have been leaved on the train cars . It...
    • J
      java23 replied to the thread Screenshots of European Trains.
      Hi guys :) ! The train is Belgian, but we are still in the Netherlands, just a few hundred meters away from the urbanized part of a...
    • J
      java23 replied to the thread Z2Z Screenshots.
      Hi Jonathan, I'm still buffled by your screenshots o_O !! I can't guess the mountains and their pine trees are real ones : there might...
    • J
      java23 replied to the thread Z2Z Screenshots.
      Hi Jonathan, Your mountains effects are brilliant :) ! I don't know if they are real elevated terrain or photo-screens, but it gives a...
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