Got to start fresh.

I'm glad to read you were able to recover your payware content. Like you, I'm very picky now what I download and longer go out to the DLS with a shovel and bucket to clean up whatever I can find.
I'm glad to read you were able to recover your payware content. Like you, I'm very picky now what I download and longer go out to the DLS with a shovel and bucket to clean up whatever I can find.
Same here! At least the K&L and JR cause altogether that's a huge amount of data. Today I reinstalled all of Jointed Rail's freeware rolling stock from both DLS and their site. There were quite a few cars JR didn't put on the DLS. Many reskins also use Jointed Rail assets for dependencies. Tomorrow I will reinstall all the JR payware I have in a folder. Drag and drop all the contents and TRS19 will automatically install the engines one by one. It'll take a few hours but I'll have all them back after that and a database repair to take care of the precaching.
I personally find that even after a DBR, running a trainzutil command, prebuild, greatly improvs loading times after installing a lot of assets.

Same here! At least the K&L and JR cause altogether that's a huge amount of data. Today I reinstalled all of Jointed Rail's freeware rolling stock from both DLS and their site. There were quite a few cars JR didn't put on the DLS. Many reskins also use Jointed Rail assets for dependencies. Tomorrow I will reinstall all the JR payware I have in a folder. Drag and drop all the contents and TRS19 will automatically install the engines one by one. It'll take a few hours but I'll have all them back after that and a database repair to take care of the precaching.
It's unbelievable how much content JR and. K&L have. I didn't realize this until I installed the content from my cdp files I downloaded.
Remember you'll need to grab some dependencies off of the DLS for content, but other than that it's been spare pickings now. My database is at 730 GB. A far cry from what was installed before.

I personally find that even after a DBR, running a trainzutil command, prebuild, greatly improvs loading times after installing a lot of assets.

I've done that too. I set up a PowerShell script to run that from the command line. In the old days, this would take all night.
I think you have to have "developer option" turned on or some such, but there will be a "Run Trainzutil" in the Developer tab of the launcher.

It pops up a tiny box with a text entry field. Type 'prebuild' and click OK.

Then make a pot of coffee. LOL
Thanks, Froggie!

Hey, I sometimes use the ID "FrogFace" in my programming when I`m writing throw-away code, usually as a variable name.

P.S.: How do I enable "developer mode"? I`ve written (developed) some of my own assets in the past, so by that definition, I am a developer.
Thanks, Froggie!

Hey, I sometimes use the ID "FrogFace" in my programming when I`m writing throw-away code, usually as a variable name.

P.S.: How do I enable "developer mode"? I`ve written (developed) some of my own assets in the past, so by that definition, I am a developer.
Trainz settings on the Launcher.
Click on Dev tab.
Check advanced debugging tools.

I recommend running TrainzUtil from a command prompt. You need to start Trainz first - at the launcher is fine, and you have to be in the program directory where you installed TRS19 for TrainzUtil to work.

There are all kinds of options you can investigate.

Type in trainzutil help for your list of commands.
If you are using PowerShell, you may need to use the ./ prefix to execute the program.
JCitron: Thanks, Unfortunately, when I start my copy of Trainz22, there is no such entry in the Developer menu. :(

Nevermind, I misunderstood your instructions and found it once I looked in the right place. I`ll definitely have to play with that!

Edit: P.S.: Thank you for approving of my post in the Terrain Texture Creation thread. It feels good when an established helper such as yourself approves of my meager attempts at help.
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JCitron: Thanks, Unfortunately, when I start my copy of Trainz22, there is no such entry in the Developer menu. :(

Nevermind, I misunderstood your instructions and found it once I looked in the right place. I`ll definitely have to play with that!

Edit: P.S.: Thank you for approving of my post in the Terrain Texture Creation thread. It feels good when an established helper such as yourself approves of my meager attempts at help.
You're welcome and Welcome to virtual Trainz support. :-)