Who is Trainz Dev?


Well-known member
The Trainz Dev forum is deliberately visible to all Trainz users, although only the nominated community representatives will be able to post here. As this is a voice for the community, we don't want discussions to be hidden behind closed doors.

Is it possible to have a list of the nominated community representatives? You know, as they are representatives?
It is the people posting in it, like me and others for example. Well might you ask, how come? Tony Hilliam and Chris Windwalkr announced this in the TANE forum a few days ago and invited content creators who have a particular issue, query and who might need help when checking created content for TANE in TANE, they can ask for help why things are not working like they should be.

As N3V Games in their wisdom considerably tightened error checking in TANE and some other things as well which are not working as they should. Hence....

Which can only be a good thing providing N3V Games listens to our (content creators) concerns, takes our concerns on board and finally does something positive about them. At the moment it seems to be a "Talkfest" only, time will tell.

I'm one, so am happy to take relevant issues into the forum. My perception is that it is really about technical issues of content creation. Some of these are a bit esoteric as MartinVK stated elsewhere. You can see what is being discussed.

It isn't about performance, installation issues, frame rates, what was delivered and should have been, etc.

The good thing is that we are more likely to get Chris' (Windwalkr) attention in that forum.
Is it possible to have a list of the nominated community representatives? You know, as they are representatives?

Since the list is public as regards reading the posts, anyone can assemble a list by seeing whose posts show up. From what I've observed so far, most of the posters have active PM or email addresses.

Hold on andi, I thought the proceeds were to be divied up equally. Like 50% to me and 50% to the rest of yous guys.

An obvious misunderstanding on your part. A good thing questions like this are brought up.

I'm retired on fixed income with spiriling out of control health care costs not to mention the 31 yr old wooden sailboat I'm trying to restore. Surely you can see the greater need points in my favor.

Bob Pearson
It's always good to have a dialogue.

I've given Sepp your address, looks like he's going to need a friend.
What you do with your 50% is up to you and the others. If Sepp really needs it that much I won't hold it against you. But lets be clear about this - I'm keeping my 50%.

Bob Pearson
Now boy's, let's just stop! If you both don't behave the IRS and the UK equivalent will take it all and you will have nothing. ;) With that in mind I have set up a off shore account to hold it for safe keeping. :)
OK, ask a stupid question, get a whole series of stupid answers.

Is any content creator entitled to ask to join the group?
Two ways
1. Send me a sealed brown envelope with a generous contribution to the cause.
2. Send a pm to Windwalkr so that he can inspect your credentials (protective clothing strongly recommended)

Any mention of Macs and you will be shot at dawn.
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Well I'm in however I have now been blocked from posting anywhere else other than general Trainz and TrainDev, just raised a ticket. Nothings ever straightforward with Trainz......
Are there any MAC users in the Trainz Dev group?
I would love to get into content creation but the tools for MAC users are just non-existent (other than Blender that is).
Having a MAC rep in the group may be the only way to get some action with regards to content creation tools for us.