Where is Session Info HTML located?


Well-known member
In TRS2006 I have edited a cloned session of a built-in route (Hawes Junction). I would like to alter the Session Info that pops up at the beginning of a Driver session to explain the scope of the work to be performed by the player. In the Session Editor I found the name of the HTML file (BranchFreightActive.html) that is opened using the rules 'Display HTML Pages' and 'Set HTML Pages' to provide the Session Info.
Within CMP, I opened the cloned session asset for editing but found no file called 'BranchFreightActive.html', nor could it be found listed amongst the built-in HTML assets.

Can anyone enlighten me on where Session Info HTML assets hide? Can they be unhidden for editing?
It's in the folder containing the session. Branch_Freight_Active.html. Open the cloned session again, sort the window alphabetically, and it'll be the top file. The actual info is a .tga file (showcase_branch_freight_active_part_1), so it might be easier to write a new text html document.
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showcase tgas do not contain session info

I'd inspected these "showcase" tgas, Norm. They contain a general layout introduction, including images of the Garsdale and Hawes yards.
The Session Info file "BranchFreightActive.html" contains text only and describes the tasks for the player driver.
"Branch_Freight_Active.html" and "BranchFreightActive.html" are, I believe, two different documents, and it is the latter that is specified in the rules 'Display HTML Pages' and 'Set HTML Pages' listed in the Session Editor.
Sorry ElStoko(?), I didn't investigate enough. The HTMLs you're looking for are in the HTML asset RSU Session HTML kuid:-18:1272. I checked the display rule and the source asset was listed there.
Answer stares at me

Yes, of course. 'RSU Session HTML' was staring at me when editing the Display HTML rule, but I failed to interpret it as the name of a built-in asset. Thanks, Norm.