S SuperSpeedMaglev Wonderfully Old Fashioned Dec 16, 2014 #1 (One with and without pole if possible please , and also link if it is on a site) Btw, I'm posting because doing the basic search with this sign name, came up with one that looked a little old fashioned.
(One with and without pole if possible please , and also link if it is on a site) Btw, I'm posting because doing the basic search with this sign name, came up with one that looked a little old fashioned.
J JohnnyC1 Pioneer Valley RR Dec 16, 2014 #2 You can get it here;http://www.compliancesigns.com/NHE-18495.shtml John
R ricomon35 SceneWright Dec 16, 2014 #3 @Superspeedmaglev. If you can provide a pic of how you want the sign mounted, I can easily make that in Trimble Sketchup for you. I.e, on a wood pole, post, over head rack, two sided, one sided, etc etc. I can use that exact image for the sign itself. That website doesn't have exactly what you want, but close http://safety-signs.compliancesigns.com/search#w=Danger overhead live wires&asug= Rico
@Superspeedmaglev. If you can provide a pic of how you want the sign mounted, I can easily make that in Trimble Sketchup for you. I.e, on a wood pole, post, over head rack, two sided, one sided, etc etc. I can use that exact image for the sign itself. That website doesn't have exactly what you want, but close http://safety-signs.compliancesigns.com/search#w=Danger overhead live wires&asug= Rico
J JohnnyC1 Pioneer Valley RR Dec 16, 2014 #4 I just made that sign, and it will be on the DLS in a couple of days if this what you want? John
S SuperSpeedMaglev Wonderfully Old Fashioned Dec 17, 2014 #5 Yes! Exactly what I wanted!(I hope you'll have a mount, and a pole)
J JohnnyC1 Pioneer Valley RR Dec 17, 2014 #6 No, it isn't mounted, just free standing. You can mount it on whatever you want. John Edit: Just U/L to the DLS <kuid:473136:104182> wait 24hrs Last edited: Dec 17, 2014
No, it isn't mounted, just free standing. You can mount it on whatever you want. John Edit: Just U/L to the DLS <kuid:473136:104182> wait 24hrs