What I've Been Up Too


New member
Well, you may or may not have known about my absence from this forum. I'll keep it light "I'm afraid of getting banned" *Shifty Eyes*.

You can find me and most of the others at USLW's Forum.

Anyways, just thought I'd let you guys know what I've been up too.. so here goes!


(Are we allowed to have 800x600 + Photos in the Screenies section, I forgot?)

So anyways, its a circa 1890's-1920's-ish gondola. Commonly known as the "gondoflat" by many of the USLW members :hehe:

I've also created a few things. (Such as this new hornsound I recommend you download this instant! ;)) So I'm still alive.. Just not here.. I dont love it here..


PS: This is going to be one of my last posts here.. In spite of recent.. banning of a friend, if you will.

(I wonder how long this thread that has to do with my model and nothing else will last?)
Few Questions....

Nice job on the gondola MuttsMooch!:udrool: :mop:

Few questions: What road names are you going to skin it and do others have your permission to reskin?

Is it going to be industry interactive?

What verisions will it be available for? TC? TRS2006? TRS2004?

Again nice job.:Y:
Hi there, Seth!

As of right now, I'm probably going to go with Rio Grande skin, since thats what I'm basing the model after.

And I'm sure it will be open to skins when its completed.

As for the version.. The original was in 2006, but this one pictured above is for TC. I'm sure it will be downgraded for 2006 AND 2004. As for being industry interactive.. thats a whole other story..

Link and Pin. But as you can see, very low detail.. Work in progress if you will. I assure you it will look nicer when its near being completed. :)