What is Trainz all about?

Trainz has given me the opportunity to build my late N-scale layout as a real-life plausible railroad without the cost and space issues required.


i have a million reasons why i like it. this is one:

When i first saw the graphics i said "how realistic."

22 words.:cool:
Great content...Awesome routes...Awesome features...There's not one thing bad about trainz!!! (Save for the Fatal Errors, Slow CMP and route loading problems. :p) Trainz allows me to build whatever I want; from subways to tramways!!! :D TRAINZ RULES THE WORLDZ!!!
Trainz allows me to run trains from all over the world; it also allows me to have a train set which takes up little space.

i've probably replied to this before, or incase i haven't or this says it better, trainz for me is being able to build the kind of model railroading i've never had the space for, with no selective compression and no wiring neccessary.

to be able to take an actual piece of countryside (once i figure out how to do the d.e.m. thing) and make it look like the kind of world i'd want it to look like, and build the kind of transportation infrastructure i'd like it to have, and again without having to compromise on actual distances.

for an example of this, the darjeeling project, or any of the larger lines people have done, well that 50 mile from sukna to darjeeling, if it were built in something like Nn2, would still streatch something like six or more real life blocks long!

i don't think even people who could afford it, anyone really has a basement or even a barn that big.

(just out of curiosity i just did the math: (5280*50)/160=2200ft!)

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My post was not detailed enough, so I'll repost with detail.

Great content...Awesome routes...Awesome features...There's not one thing bad about trainz!!! (Save for the Fatal Errors, Slow CMP and route loading problems. :p) Trainz allows me to build whatever I want; from subways to tramways!!! :D TRAINZ RULES THE WORLDZ!!!

What was my favourite bit of Trainz? Everything, especially getting to download the Subway Cars by Magicland. :D

:clap: :Y: I really can't think why my parents think trainz should not be played for more than an hour. It's not only a game, it's something that can get you money (payware content) and other stuff. I...LOVE...TRAINZ...!
What does Trainz mean to me? The ability to realistically replicate an entire railroad and its operations in an environment that can be manipulated to my hearts content. Aside from that it's also something to look forward to after work, nothing like a can of root beer, cold pizza, and heading a 4000 ton coal drag through the north German steppes at 2 in the morning.

The ability to pick and choose what aspect of railroading you like and just play it by heart. I care about railroading and that involves a lot more than just the engineer's perspective. There is a whole world outside the cab and Trainz captures it.
Trainz to me is a great train set that you can setup quickly, in my case take it anywhere on my laptop. When you get sick of a layout just build or load a new one. Cant do that with a real world layout.

What you like most about trains

It is instructive, idea inducing,real life train construction programme, the content is accurate and colourful and is easy on the eyes.
What you like most about trains

For me: It allows me to be creative in a railway environment, and my "playing" generally feeds nostalgia (happy childhood years were predominantly spent alongside a railway line). It also allows me to do things that are never going happen in reality:

- Hang on to the side of the tender and watch the driving wheels turning.
- Have a view from the roof.
- Have actual control over the locos.
- Be responsible for creating a thunderous rumble as I accelerate a set of diesels ........ and hit that horn as often as I want! (My pc is wired through a stereo system)

Summary: It makes me very happy!
