What is Trainz all about?


Trainz Plus - enjoy Trainz from just 20 cents a da
I know you guys (and girls) are getting sick of me asking questions, but Trainz is making a big comeback! The community helped build Trainz into what it is today and your feedback is playing a big part in helping us move towards our goal of making TS2009 the best version of Trainz ever.

The fact that some people reading this thread have been involved with Trainz for almost 8 years speaks volumes about the longevity that this hobby has to offer. The trick is that I am sure there are potentially millions of people who have never heard of Trainz who would enjoy this hobby as much as you do.

Therefore, when a new person visits the Trainz website, we need to explain quickly and clearly what Trainz is and why they will enjoy installing Trainz on their PC.

We know new visitors like something about trains in general; we know they have access to an internet connection; what we don't really know is what "buttons" we need to press to get them to act. (To help our non-native English readers; what are the triggers that will turn a non-Trainz person into a Trainz person?)

So rather than a poll, here's your chance to try to summarize IN 25 WORDS or LESS: "Why I love Trainz."

Example: I have always been fascinated by trains, and Trainz lets me climb into the cab and take control of my favorite locos on my favorite railroads.

See how hard it is - that took me 26 words :)

Have fun...
I Love Trainz Because:

Trainz is an open ended program with practically limitless creative possibilities, and allows me to control machinery they wouldn't let me near in real life!
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Trainz is fun/accessible whether for a virtual model or prototype railway. It's also about community of like minded people willing to help each other.
Awesome start from a couple of Trainz veterans....I think this could become my favourite Trainz thread ::D
I have always loved trains; riding real ones and model trains. Trainz allows me to create and live my fantasies.

Have fun, be creative and cooperative, discover and explore a wide range of new challenges in a huge number of non-violent 3D worlds.

Grandad was a Good's Guard on the LMS. Trainz gives access to world's only previously dream't of. Beats an 8x4, or smaller, baseboard!
For me it's THE virtual alternative for a model railroad with focus on (re-)building a whole picture of a specific region and time. More a virtual world builder with driving functionality than a simulation of really realistic rail operations.
Trainz! What can't you do?! I've done everything!...Nearly. 3D Design, locomotives and Layouts even had ago at programing! Hours of nothing but endless Excitement! :D :D



I don't mind the polls I like ticking boxes...I think Trainz need some more advertisements you look at videos on you tube and you see people asking "What Game is this?", "Where can I get this?" and so on...Make it more commercial. Also for the none English speaking people you could have a built in translator on this forum so German, French and Russian, etc people can join in with Screen shot threads and discussion.

Sorry if you do not approve of this comment in this thread.

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Trainz is for boys and girls of all ages. Relive the past , enjoy the present, look into the future, or create your own world.

DaveW :D
Trainz, for me, has been a journey of discovery of a virtual world. A world that allows me to enjoy my love of pre-nationalisation (U.K.) steam.
From the Aussie Outback to the Northeast Corridor, from 4-4-0's to futuristic maglevs, Trainz lets you become a virtual empire builder!
Thanks everyone. So far the main theme emerging seems to be "virtual world" yet for some reason, those words seem to sound a little "shallow". The real world is REAL, whilst the virtual world is merely a poor substitute.. Do people feel that virtual does the Trainz world justice?

Mike. Comments are fine - and you can have multiple attempts in the one post as well if you like. :)
Trainz is the twenty-first century model railroading hobby without the spatial and cost limitations of the old physical hobby. Auran's job is to give us the tools. Our job is to create whatever we want to create using those tools. And of course, have fun doing it.
A living, breathing world of activity for any and all walks of life! Who hasn't been touched by the enchantment of a train?

- I expressly stayed away from my love of development since it appears from direct statements that only 3ds max will be supported! I will never have the money for that and therefore - while I will continue to develop for trainz, I will be forced to stay with only the older versions or keep them only to myself!