What do you think about the local trainz-versions?

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New member
As you know, germany and france have their own trainz-versions with different (=more) built-in content as the international versions.
Partially this content is not available on DLS.

What do you thin about this?
Is this good or was it better in TRS 2004-times?

In my opinion, the current beeings are not so well.
I think, the local versions should be the same as the original versions except the language... because it confuses the community otherwise.

What do you think, I am interested in your opinion :-)
The more contents the better, don't you think so? ;)

IMHO, evening things downwards has never been a positive human attitude. Let's try to even upwards: The International having the same as any upgraded others.

But it all depends on Auran's agreements with their publishers.

Curiously, some time ago some trainzers complained about TRS2006 having too much content that they didn't care a dim for being 'foreign', and that was the beginning of Trainz Classics concept (which fits that opinion). It doesn't appeal to me very much because I do like railway systems worldwide.

TRS starting time was not a problem because the TRS2006 caching system achieved a very acceptable loading time in spite of its tons of content.

But this is another personal opinion of mine, not much more than that. Don't take it very seriously. :p

Alberte :wave:
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It is not the plus of content what makes me think about.

It is the different content that is included in the TRS 2007+ Versions.

So, maybe it is not possible for a french TRS 2007 User to use german TRS 2007 layouts or for an american TRS 2006 User to use layouts from both versions.

This goes the wrong way, the content should be available for all languages in my opinion!

The problem seems to be that some of the additional content found with the german version is not found on the DLS. This may give rise to problems with international 2006 users, wanting to download a map made by a 2007 (the name of the german version)user.

Other problems with 2007 are the poor performance of the CMP and CCP, as well as problems with linking with the DLS.


Well, the solution would be that the French & German publishers (or Auran themselves) offered their extra content as an add-on for International TRS2006 owners, at a reasonable price, of course! ;)

Alberte :wave:

Let's try to even upwards: The International having the same as any upgraded others.

But it all depends on Auran's agreements with their publishers.
This would not be a real solution for me.
Most of this extra-content is freeware.

What's the problem to upload that extra-content to the DLS?

I just wish a international Trainz-version in german language for me... and not more...

The different local versions should have the same built-in content, as it was in TRS 2004...
Most of this extra-content is freeware.

Not really. The TRS2008 French version is filled with non freeware. And the German contains stuff special for that version. I guess the publisher reached agreements with the creators of that stuff.

What's the problem to upload that extra-content to the DLS?
A big one... Just their creators' wishes and their agreements with the publishers of those versions. ;) Please, be realistic, it's not only your wish but others' too. And business is also concerned, which it's completely fair.

Alberte :wave:
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But if this continues, there will be no standard for maps anymore...

An advantage of trainz was the large amount of freeware and the compability between the different trainz language-versions.
It seems as that argument will be destroyed in the future...

Why can't they offer that additional content in an extra package and keep the TRS-versions in other languages like the international one?

I see the community break :-(
I think is just a matter of marketing and what the local comunity can or will pay for

I am english but live in france
I bought the 2006 (french)version and I was a bit peeved when it became apparant that there woulld be no SP-1 for this, I asked why and recived the answer from Aran that the french publishers did't want it, the bought out 2007 wich was 2006 + the SP-1 ( so you had to pay the full price again) me , I refused and stayed with 2006 without the pack
I then got TC for free because I helped with the beta testing, but I was not realy happy- with this, so still stayed with 2006, last month I bought 2008 including the France la Train content, well the programs OK and CMP works OK but CCP just refuses, now this is a Vista problem and one day I will solve it because I installed the system on my wifes XP-Pro system and CCP works no problem. at the moment I have to transfer the items I want to work on across to the XP system then back to Vista.

so like I said you have to make your own stand as to what dirrection you take but in the end its markets and money that will dictate the direction the Trainz will take !!

The important thing is to have fun, stop to fret about what you dont had or cant run and enjoy what you can do, remember there are others in he same boat as you, so put your heads togeather and produce route/content that works for you

nuff said
bye for now ( off to play trainz )
We all do too, my trainzy friend, and we'll keep working for it. ;) The community itself is the glue that sticks these kinds of local gaps.

Alberte :wave:
I'd like to see the extra content made available somewhere before it turns into the tower of babble. Mind you, buy for Auran and get the "normal" version should be an option.

Cheerio John
i would support Auran, and I did, I also have TRS 2006 international here.

But I would like to translate it for myself...
I could offer me for free as translator, but I don't think they accept my offer...

I could translate Launcher, CMP and CCP for myself, but language information of trainz itself is in a ja file :-(

I prefer to play in my foreign language, its more comfortable to relax...
I could offer me for free as translator, but I don't think they accept my offer...

Mooka, my trainzy friend, remember that Auran (a business company) has obligations and agreements with another business company, their publisher in Germany. That includes what to publish and how. It's not that easy. ;)

Please, assume that the German publisher knows its market very well and knows what and how to sell there. I usually follow the German forum here and in general, German trainzers are glad with it.

Alberte :wave:
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Many many old trainz people have left trainz...

Iceman2117, Gerd, Heinz Schubien are just few examples...

There came many new people, but the old community died for a big part...

An former trainz-user teaches me now Kuju RS and content-creation there... then, I am away too...

(btw: Mooka is just my second nick... my main nick has been banned for 2 weeks because of telling my opinion)
Yes, but many many many others are still staying here and pushing on with strength and enthusiasm. And we are here to stay. ;) Nobody is essential and nobody is held as hostage in Trainz.

Good luck with RS, which I dislike a lot and is almost useless for my amusement standards.

BTW, did you know that the RS UK and US versions are different and European users wishing to use US routes need to purchase an add-on? Is that what you mean by coherency?

Alberte :wave:

Many many old trainz people have left trainz...


Are you sure about Icy? ;)

Last Activity: Today 10:02 PM :wave:
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Yes, but he has reduced his activity a lot.

If RS goes the same way... let's have the reality... There is no payware needed...
(btw: Mooka is just my second nick... my main nick has been banned for 2 weeks because of telling my opinion)

Then I would expect this one to get banned pretty too soon for trying to getg around the ban of your first one.

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