Users with the Steam TS12 version - please read (Multplayer Related)


Tutorial Creator
Users of the Steam TS12 version - please read (Multplayer Related)

I have noticed recently that there have been quite a few Steam version users of TS12 that are attempting to play Trainz multiplayer.

Due to patching issues, Steam version users cannot use Trainz Multiplayer (or if they are able to access it, it will be very limited). This is because Trainz Multiplayer for TS12 requires build 49922, whereas the Steam version is only 47103, which currently cannot be patched.

Hopefully this makes sense to users of the Steam version.

Users of the Steam version who have a problem regarding the issue detailed here should contact N3V's helpdesk above, as they may be able to advise further.


EDIT: This problem has now been resolved via a patch.
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there a easy solution to this problem , i had the same issues with steam versions almost no available servers .
so ive downloaded a skidrow trainz version , entered my legal key into it and upgraded to the 49922 non steam version .
then i could join games like umr or else . those were the first moments i could play the game in a decent manner . some wont agree with my approach , but hey
ive paid for my version and i want to play th egame . the steam setup just sucks
I would like to advise other users that I do not support the approach given above as it runs the risk in some countries of getting a severe penalty if caught.

Do you think so?
I think he could prove with his Steam log that he legally bought it.
Not sure on this, though.
And on the other hand, it would be a big-time rip-off if he couldnt use the features which he paid for.

*ramble-mode* Its annoying that you cannot simply plug-in and play this game!*ramble-mode-off*
It's all open to interpretation, I am simply advising users that there are risks involved in doing that.

It reminds me of 'buyer beware'.

i paid my fct like anybody else , i've just switched platform . if steam wants their own versions good for them but they should make it compatible . servers for this kinda game arent wide spread anyway .
It depends on what you mean by 'switching platform'.

As I've stated before, take it up with Steam if you have an issue with their version.

As I've stated before, take it up with Steam if you have an issue with their version.
i have a Steam version, not updatable, with no multiplayer, no user content and no dlc support.
Steam support say: "ask Auran for help", you say: "ask Steam for help". I have a small questions, who developed a Steam version of TS12, Valve or Auran? Who takes the money when i buy TS12 on Steam, Valve or Auran? Why you play ping-pong with legal users?
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I'm not an Auran/N3V employee (nor do I claim to be), but it is normally the retailer (in this case Steam) who things like that have to be directed to. If you want to take it up with N3V, use the Helpdesk option.

There are various companies that have had problems with Valve and their rules on how a game is updated.

There are various companies that have had problems with Valve and their rules on how a game is updated.
There is no problem with Valve and their rules.
The Witcher 2 have ten patchs with 10-12Gb in size. Krater game have 1-2 updates in week, 1Gb with 100-200-300 small files. Skyrim have a lot huge patch of original game and thousands of user mods in Steam Workshop. There are many F2P games that have the base version in Steam, which perfectly updates through its own launcher.
I'm not an Auran/N3V employee
Then sorry for the harsh words in your address.
It's a well known issue that affects not just TS12, but other versions as well.

I assume you are not aware of the reasons why EA only sell their digital downloads via their Origin download store - this is because Steam have decided that publishers cannot release direct patches for their games.

I still stand by what is said, as it's normally the retailer that has to deal with things like this, not the manufacturer/publisher. If a retailer (Steam in this instance) chooses to restrict how patches are released (and bear in mind that any patches N3V do release would have to work with Steam's DRM systems), then it is the retailer who is at fault in my opinion.

Call me naive but wouldn,t it be a lot easier to buy it directly from the Planet Auran Shop? As for Steam I would be demanding a refund on the basis the product does not do what Steam claim it can do. In the UK they would be contravening Consumer Protection Laws and if they failed to provide a refund would risk prosecution.
I agree, and that's what quite a few users have done.

I've advised quite a few times to avoid the Steam version, despite the apparent cost saving.

EA makes Origin because they want have their own "Steam" with exlusive titles, no other reason. Any publisher can make any patches, directly or bypassed, use steam's content servers or something else. Also, Steam have not any DRM, any restriction for hardware change, number of computer or something else. Оnly regional restriction for different prices in different countries, and these restrictions establishes the publisher, not Valve.

avoid the Steam version
If Steam version not working why it still trading? As colourlight say, user can make refund in that case. But i like this sim, i don't want refund. I do not like the relationship of the publisher and developer, which does not solve the problem and don't ask for tickets.

wouldn,t it be a lot easier to buy it directly from the Planet Auran Shop?
Auran shop don't take my debet card, Steam take it (as Paypal and other online shop). Usually i'm buy games only in Steam, i like autoupdates, steamsales and community. I think enough reasons? ;)
I have about 200 purchases on Steam, but TS12 is first fail.
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N3V do take debit cards (and support Paypal).

You say you have bought other games on Steam. Have you checked with other retailers (or even the publishers) of those games whether you are indeed running the latest versions? You may find that you are not.

Most users on here who have had the same problem have decided it's simpler to buy a copy direct from N3V. Steam's Client is the DRM, and as a result, any patches N3V do release would have to be modified by Steam so that their DRM software can install the patch.


You may find that you are not.
list of my games. I'm try to check for their versions and retail variants, and be sure to write how many products have a mismatch. I think only one.

it's simpler to buy a copy direct from N3V
Simply buy the game in one place than each game separately in their own shop. And do not always show the details of your card.

Steam's Client is the DRM... any patches N3V do release would have to be modified by Steam
Steam is NOT DRM, Steam DON'T modify patches. Developers have a free Steamworks SDK, no payment for it, no payments for deploying apps, no payments for update (pay only a percentage of sales). If developer want then he use full feature SDK, with achivments, online playing through Steam, mod support and many more. If don't want - make only small code injection, which don't touch the main logic.

Bad, but a good example: GTA IV sold on Steam, have Microsoft GfWL overlay plus Rockstar Social Network plus Securom DRM with online activation. Somehow these developers did not stop to do it.

Finally, if you do not have to do with this company, it may just give a link to the official position on this? Assume and guess I do know how, but I would like to know what is really going on.
If you want an official position on it, you are welcome to contact Helpdesk.

I personally see the Steam client as DRM, as you have to use their client to run the game (unless you know of ways round it), as well as to handle updates - with other versions of TS12, users can choose when to install an update.

Helpdesk is "very busy", i wrote when take answer about it. But I'm not the first person with this problem, why no one wrote about the results to communicate with support?

My point of view — if an update exists, it must be installed independently of the user's desire, otherwise why is it necessary? Google Chrome is very good in this respect, it is always the latest version. You have a choice of when and what to install from the TS12 updates, it is nice. I have that choice just do not, so far my choice - it is the second time to buy the game.

By your logic, DRM can be considered itself TS12, without it you can not run the other DLC. But why? Maybe I want to use only one track and one train. Moreover, without the Windows Explorer you can not even run the TS12, obtained Explorer is DRM. I do not know English very well, so I will not keep such a complex of software and technical issue.

And if you just do not like Steam, it will not persuadable :)
DRM is a complex issue - here's Wikipedia's version of it.

N3V will get back to you on the issue, but it may take a few days. I see you mentioned Chrome regarding updates - some users do not like Chrome behaving in this manner as they have no control over which updates are installed. How would a user get on if an automatic update manages to trash the program?

I do have Steam installed, but the game I do have on it is not the latest version (due to the same update issues as detailed here - and this is a different game)

Another reason why I personally dislike Steam is that they have been known to terminate users' access to their games if they see something on a system they do not like (that's right - Steam do have access to your system)
