Uploading content after reskin


Hi; I searched the forums but couldn't find an answer but I am sure this has been asked and answered before. I thought all content on the DLS was considered freeware unless labelled as payware, and as being freeware you can clone it, reskin it and upload it as long as credit was given to the original author. Is this not correct?
No, that is not correct.
Freeware does not mean you own the rights to the asset. It only means you are free to use it. You can do all you want with it but only on your own PC.
Since you do not own the (copy-)rights to the asset, you are only allowed to upload the asset (or share it in anyway) if you get formal permission from the original creator. If you can't contact that person, you can't get permission so you are not allowed to share it.
Would not be an easy task, but not impossible, as as far as I can see there is no numbering in the original mesh.

You would most likely need to do it as an attachment mesh and some custom scripting.

Now I just need to find a tutorial for TANE on how to do auto number; any help?
Yeah, I have no clue. I found a tutorial by Whitepass but it isn't incredibly in depth, still lots of guess work.