Unable to raise bugs against Beta2


Occasional User
I am trying to raise bugs against Beta2, however having logged onto the bug reporting system and viewing the latest bugs, I tried to raise a bug (In my case fairly serious) on submitting the bug I am told

Server Error Either server is down or the connection parameters are incorrect.

This is the second time this has happened over different days

Now the server can't be down as I can view other bugs, and as for connection parameters I've no idea.

Can anyone advise where to raise the bugs
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Check the list, you'll find your bug report is there, so ignore the error message. If you had read the Trainzdev forum you would have found the answer.

When you submit a bug online it is posted to two locations the second of these is not working at the moment, however the first is so you bug report will be received. You can ignore that error message.

I have made a news post in the beta tester corner about this issue.