Trying to get trainz 2004 to work properly.


New member
Had this installed for a couple of weeks. Out of the box it works well if your into Deasels. I'm not. I've downloaded loads from the DLS but almost everything has missing parts. Very frustrating. I now have 6 steamers. But objectzs refuses to recognise that paint is installed even though I have produced a couple of skins on it.
Also Objectz reports missing art files on everything even though they are not.
Two of the steamers look fine from the outside. But when driving the view is an american loco???:confused: (The ROD & the J39) Objectz recons theres no problem with them. Only the J69, & V2 are now debugged & working. (Lovely they are too.)
How do I persuade Trainz that the new content is ok to use. Deleting the batch chump file doesn't always do it. :confused: ( Or maybe I'm deleting the wrong one.......)
Thanks for reading this:)
Two of the steamers look fine from the outside. But when driving the view is an american loco???:confused: (The ROD & the J39) Objectz recons theres no problem with them.
Yep, making cabs is the hardest thing to do for Trainz, so most people don't bother (not that I blame them, it took me ages to make a cab and there are a lot of pitfalls along the way). The locos are using the standard Australian PB15 cab.


There is a line that needs going into the Trainz config about Paintshed, but can't remember what it is, something like Paintshed.1 or similar.

Somebody on here will post the correct line soon, just watch this space.

All rolling stock items have parts (such as bogies (and many others) upon which they depend. If any of the dependencies are missing, the 3D image of the item won't be displayed. Use Trainz Objectz "Menu > Check For Missing RS Parts" (missing rolling stock parts) to list them. Finding missing parts can be extremely frustrating but always start on Auran's Download Station (DLS).

The file to delete is C:\Program Files\Auran\TRS2004\Cache\world_cache_Dispatcher.chump

Hope this helps,

There is a line that needs going into the Trainz config about Paintshed, but can't remember what it is, something like Paintshed.1 or similar.

Somebody on here will post the correct line soon, just watch this space.


Navigate to your TRS2004 directory then open the file "caching.txt" in the \TRS2004\settings directory, add the line
world_cache_paintshed 1
then save and close.
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That's the one

Navigate to your TRS2004 directory then open the file "caching.txt" in the \TRS2004\settings directory, add the line
world_cache_paintshed 1
then save and close.

Well done, that's the one I meant.

And if you want kuids to show in Surveyor, which I find very useful, go the the Trainz 2004 folder then scroll down to trainzoptions.txt and add this line


Thanks all. Will give that a go. The J39 & rod will get drivers then! They look good going past which is the main thing. I have A3,A4, V2 & j69 so thats not so bad. A4 is ridiculously easy to drive though.
I have the new sold out version which has no patchs.
But how come so many downloads have missing parts that are not available to down load. With layouts it's possible to delete them & swap them for somthing else but with rolling stock it's not so easy. Theres one wagon I down loaded that causes the program to crash.
Can't wait for the new Settle route but then I'm sure it will have it's bugs at the start. It's a shame there are no tutorials for surveyor as it's pretty complex. I have lots of prototype plans I want to try! A few more stickys on here would be a help for this sort of thing!
. It's a shame there are no tutorials for surveyor as it's pretty complex. I have lots of prototype plans I want to try! A few more stickys on here would be a help for this sort of thing!
The tutorials are on the disc's, you will have to print them though. Well worth the time. I printed them all and have found them to be very instructive and easy to follow.
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