Three Questions regarding Trainz 2022


Route Building Rocks
I have a couple of things I need to ask regarding certian things I've noticed while playing TRS 2022 and instead of making individual threads for them, I thought it would be best to organize them into a single thread since I dont think each of these warrant having their own threads. With that out of the way lets jump into the questions.

1) Legacy Rulers becoming invisible....or not?
Recently, I've run into a werid bug where legacy rulers dont appear on certain portions of a route. You can place them down but they're invisible. This happens when a route of mine gets to a certian length, and the areas where it happens in are in the older sections, usually close to the origin baseboard. I do know there TRS 22 has spline rulers and those I have transitioned into using for routes going forward just to avoid said issue. Although, I will still use the legacy rulers for certian tasks since those are the ones Im more accustomed to using. However, on one of my recent route projects, I noticed something strange. The route in question is well over 60miles in length, but new legacy rulers I place down are not invisible. I haven't run into the same issue as I have with my previous projects and its gotten me confused. But I do have some theories. One is that this bug only effects routes carried over from TRS 2019 and not routes started in TRS 2022, as the routes Ive had it happen in were started in TRS 2019. Another theory is that because I've mainly been using the spline ruler for most of the route, that the bug with the legacy rulers doesn't occur. Im not sure if any of these make sense so I'd like to know what you guys think.

2) Is there a keyboard command that allows you to switch between the route and session layer?
One problematic occurrence I've been running into when playing TRS 22 is saving and exiting suveyor mode, and going back only to find portions of my progress missing. I eventually learned that it was because I had *somehow* been placing some of my stuff on the session layer. The warning signs of this result in signals and junctions' numbers resetting, going from "Junction 52987" to "Junction 1", and I've had it happen a couple of times now that I know to switch those assets to the route layer as to not loose my progress. Now I put emphasis on the "somehow" because I dont know how this is happening. Doing something on the wrong layer isnt an alien concept to me. Im a digital artist, and I've had moments where I realize that I was coloring, sketching, or inking on a layer where I was wasn't supposed to be doing any of that. But in those instances, they usually because I had went on that layer to do something else and I forgot to switch to a different layer. Basically, the only way I could see myself doing something on the wrong layer was if I had intentionally gone on that layer in the first place. I rarely, if at all, go on the session layer when messing in surveyor mode. There really isnt a reason for me to go on that layer, especially knowing stuff wont save if you put anything there. In fact, any cases where I somehow ended up on the session layer I never notice until it happens. Because of this, Im starting to wonder if there's a keyboard command Im accidentally pressing that allows you to switch between the route and session layers. That's the only reason I can explain for causing these occurrences but what do you guys think?

3) .....Why?
This next is going to be hard to explain so I guess I'll just let the picture speak for itself.

I've noticed this with all of my routes where there's a gap in the embankment, and it produces this weird optical illusion where it looks like the track is burried even though its not. This is honestly baffling for me because I have not seen this ugly optical illusion in any of the routes I have that were either packaged with the game or made by others, regardless of their age. I honestly don't get why this has only been an occurrence with my routes since Im sure the idea of having a break in the embankment for something like a bridge isnt exclusive to me. Has this been happening with anyone else and how can I stop it?

And those are all of my questions pretty much
If you add assets to the session layer, it will save in the session. When you select the route click view sessions and open the routes session instead. This will load anything you misplaced on that layer. You can then merge the session layer into the route layer. I always edit via edit session as it stops creating new sessions whenever I open the edit route. The image is because of PBR textures being mixed with non-PBR textures.
If you add assets to the session layer, it will save in the session. When you select the route click view sessions and open the routes session instead. This will load anything you misplaced on that layer. You can then merge the session layer into the route layer. I always edit via edit session as it stops creating new sessions whenever I open the edit route. The image is because of PBR textures being mixed with non-PBR textures.

I see! Its good to know anything thats put on the session layer is not entire lost. Its still annoying that Im somehow switching which layer Im on without even realizing it, but I guess its not entirely bad if you know how to work around it. And when you say pbr textures, we're not just referring to ground textures right? This is includes stuff like tracks and such?
I see! Its good to know anything thats put on the session layer is not entire lost. Its still annoying that Im somehow switching which layer Im on without even realizing it, but I guess its not entirely bad if you know how to work around it. And when you say pbr textures, we're not just referring to ground textures right? This is includes stuff like tracks and such?
It can and you'll end up with gaps under the track. If you don't care for the huge 3d-effect, you can change your graphics settings to basic. Basic is the new "standard" as it was once called. This gives you all the other things except for the PBR-effect. I find this not only allows PBR textures without causing the big gaps and jellyfish guts on slopes, but it will also give you better framerates and cause less heat for your GPU.
It can and you'll end up with gaps under the track. If you don't care for the huge 3d-effect, you can change your graphics settings to basic. Basic is the new "standard" as it was once called. This gives you all the other things except for the PBR-effect. I find this not only allows PBR textures without causing the big gaps and jellyfish guts on slopes, but it will also give you better framerates and cause less heat for your GPU.
I'll probably do that! Especially because I cant see myself dabbling into pbr stuff for the time being. Where can I go to change the settings to basic?
I'll probably do that! Especially because I cant see myself dabbling into pbr stuff for the time being. Where can I go to change the settings to basic?
Under performance settings off of the Launcher Trainz settings.

Here are the settings I use:

Shadow quality: Ultra
Shader quality: Basic
Texture detail: High
Post processing: High
Water quality: High
Detail scenery: Clutter + TurfFX
Antialiasing: 8x
Use PhysX simulation: Unchecked.
Process objects behind camera: Checked

You may need to adjust the Shadow down if your video card can't handle this. I use this on my RTX 3080 and also used to use the same settings when they were standard instead of basic, on my old GTX1080 TI.

In the program, I set the Video settings to:

Maximum Draw Distance 10,000 meters. (I will change this depending upon the route I drive)
Process Objects Behind Camera: Checked
Scenery Detail, 3rd click to the right - High
Tree Detail Normal
Post Processing High - in the middle.

I noticed that even with the RTS3080 if I set the tree detail up too high, there's stuttering, so I put it in the middle. This also helps with the heat too. My settings may not work completely for you but given that they worked okay on my old GTX1080 TI, then they may and you may have to adjust everything up or down accordingly to suit.

Once you make these changes, be prepared for TRS22 to cache shaders and whatnot.

Regarding the old rulers. The old rulers always had a redraw issue like you are experiencing.
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Back in 2021 I reported a bug with the Legacy Rulers - once they reached a certain length they would mostly (except for the end bits) become invisible. There is a thread I posted on this at vanishing-rulers-in-trs19-sp3.

Since I no longer use Surveyor Classic or the legacy rulers the issue no longer is a problem to me.


My experiments, detailed in the link, concluded that once a legacy ruler exceeds 80kms (~50 miles) in length (yes, that LONG) it "sucks" the colour out of all the other rulers.
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