TrainzItailia's Donner Pass 1.2 in T:ANE ReleaseCandidate2


Blind Squirrel
Love TrainzItalia's Donner Pass so wanted to run it in T:ANe:

Didn't start out well:


Working out the textures:









Still have faulty assets but most are fixable.

Need to adjust the light and fog.

Thanks TrainzItalia
Inside the snowsheds at norden was a turntable large enough to turn the cab-forwards around in any weather.
Any suggestions on importing/installing this to T:ANE? Can we directly import via CDP files, like is done in TS12? Or, do you take it already installed from TS12, open for edit, and import that way? I'd rather just import via CDP, if possible.

Looks great but the game doesn't work.

Rebuilding the database will eventually get this:


The base of the bridge is a built-in and the only way to fix is put the local/original folders in a brand new database with a virgin build.

Have given up trying to fix things in the game.
That bridge looks strange :-)

But if it’s a built-in-asset, it should work without any changes. Did you check how that bridge appears in an a brand new T:ANE-Test-Route just created by yourself e.g. using a single baseboard?
Are you sure that you did not do some wrong overwriting while installing all the Donner Pass dependencies?
I have never seen a built-in appearing with such a wrong texture – perhaps there is something additional wrong.

Your’s TUME
That bridge looks strange :-)

But if it’s a built-in-asset, it should work without any changes. Did you check how that bridge appears in an a brand new T:ANE-Test-Route just created by yourself e.g. using a single baseboard?
Are you sure that you did not do some wrong overwriting while installing all the Donner Pass dependencies?
I have never seen a built-in appearing with such a wrong texture – perhaps there is something additional wrong.

Your’s TUME
Usually happens with the built-in textures, database rebuilds will make them "faulty" without flagging them as faulty.

That was the first with a spline assets.

Opening them for edit and reverting usually gets rid of the checkerboard.

Repeat, the game doesn't work.


EDIT: Only the base of the bridge is built-in, the other parts with the textures as checkeboards aren't.

The aren't flagged as faulty but have the "texture/tga" problem.

You have to go into surveyor to identify the asset.

The built-ins "texture" files can't be fixed.

Here is what it should look like from an earlier picture:

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