Community Assistant
Hi Everyone
We are very pleased to announced, after many months of hard work from our team, the release of the TrainzPlus HD Terrain update.
You can find more information on the Trainz Plus website: https://info.trainzsimulator.com/trainz-plus#hdterrainstart
Or join the discussion in the #hd-terrain channel of the Trainz Official Discord or in our announcement article: https://forums.auran.com/trainz/content.php?181-Trainz-Plus-HD-Terrain-update-and-more
You can find docs on how to use HD Terrain here: https://docs.trainzsimulator.com/docs/hd-terrain
We are very pleased to announced, after many months of hard work from our team, the release of the TrainzPlus HD Terrain update.
You can find more information on the Trainz Plus website: https://info.trainzsimulator.com/trainz-plus#hdterrainstart
Or join the discussion in the #hd-terrain channel of the Trainz Official Discord or in our announcement article: https://forums.auran.com/trainz/content.php?181-Trainz-Plus-HD-Terrain-update-and-more
You can find docs on how to use HD Terrain here: https://docs.trainzsimulator.com/docs/hd-terrain