Trainz 2022 Plus, Surveyor 2.0 - HD Tiles
Is there any way to import terrain heightmaps / displacement maps for random use through a layout / terrain? As I have seen others have point out, making realistic terrain with the existing tools is awful. I remember in some older / previous versions of Trainz, there were displacement maps I could use to randomly place mountains, hills or other features throughout the terrain/layout. I am not looking for something like transDEM for a whole route, I want to be able to place features through the route. Surveyor 2.0 does not seem to have this feature and the hills and mountains I have created so far look more like my 5 yo son grabbed the mouse and clicked the button randomly, lol. Random concentric circles, etc. seem too common and the lack of a smoothing or random generator makes it look... bad. I could see how someone could create and possibly use scrapbook to generate random landscapes but I have yet to find that, either. Note: I have tried switching to Surveyor Classic but it says HD editing not supported when trying to use the displacement maps.
Any ideas, tips, etc that could help? Tutorials?
Is there any way to import terrain heightmaps / displacement maps for random use through a layout / terrain? As I have seen others have point out, making realistic terrain with the existing tools is awful. I remember in some older / previous versions of Trainz, there were displacement maps I could use to randomly place mountains, hills or other features throughout the terrain/layout. I am not looking for something like transDEM for a whole route, I want to be able to place features through the route. Surveyor 2.0 does not seem to have this feature and the hills and mountains I have created so far look more like my 5 yo son grabbed the mouse and clicked the button randomly, lol. Random concentric circles, etc. seem too common and the lack of a smoothing or random generator makes it look... bad. I could see how someone could create and possibly use scrapbook to generate random landscapes but I have yet to find that, either. Note: I have tried switching to Surveyor Classic but it says HD editing not supported when trying to use the displacement maps.
Any ideas, tips, etc that could help? Tutorials?