TGV pantograph


Hello or good evening to all,

When the TGV Duplex (DLS) run in AI, the pantos of the front and rear locos are raised. In "real life", only the panto of the rear locomotive is raised.

On the other hand, on the TGV PSE (orange) created by "frogpipe" only the panto of the rear loco is raised (still in AI) thanks to a script.

Could it be possible that a "writer", or even frogpipe himself, is interested in creating such a script for the TGV Duplex present in the DLS ?

Thank you.
Allo Antoine
writing a script alone will not do it, let me explain
The Trainz AI, will always raise a pantograph when you drive
if you would script to prevent that, you fight against the AI

Best if you study the TGV PSE orange you like and see if you can copy that behavior
Good chance that no standard pantograph is used, but a mesh that is in the loco kuid
then it is possible to script the behavior for that pantomesh
Could even be there is a hidden pantograph used to fool the AI.

There are also other ways:
-the panto button right under, can be pushed after you started driving
-in My Set-Driver-Condition-Rule also panto can be changed
-there are driver commands, that you can use to select which panto
FI built-in is <kuid2:178892:80004:1> PantographState
amicalement GM
IIRC (It's been a while) my script is triggered by the games pantograph setting,but then consults the consist to figure out which pantograph needs to be raised, and animates it it's self. So basically, the pantographs you see with your eyes are props, fakes for the visual model.

At least I *think* that's how I did it. :D
I did scripts which work as @frogpipe describes.

If you can edit the mesh slightly, you can make a clone of the trailing locomotive with its attachment point renamed to a.pant1 instead of a.pant0 (your problem is that with both named a.pant0 they both react the same to driver commands). This might prevent the game from seeing it if there's no a.pant0 to catch its "interest," though. In that case you'd need to add an a.pant0 and put it 1km below ground level since (in plain game without scripting) you can't use variant pantograph meshes - they must be the same.
Unfortunately I have no skill in this area or in scripting. Obviously, it's more difficult than I thought. Too bad, my TGVs will run with two pantos raised !

Thank you anyway
It's very kind of you. While waiting for the script, I've download the loc. Obviously, this is for my computer only ! Thank you G.M.
G.M. and Peter THANK YOU ! You've made me happy. I knew the trainz community was caring and helpful. I can appreciate it today. Thank you again Guys. And as we say in France, "vous êtes des choux" (don't try to translate that would be weird) which means you are kind and friendly.

Best regards to you both.
Upgrading Genesteal's TGV DUPLEX TS

I have upgraded Genesteal's TGV DUPLEX TS <kuid2:64577:697:7>, adding new functionality.

1. Pantographs:
-- change between ac and dc mode
-- in ac mode the behavour of the pantographs is defined by the logical heading (green arrow) of the train.the default for the ai is to raise the pantograph(s) for ac of the rear unit(s) of the train.
-- in dc mode the pantographs for dc at both ends of the train are raised.

2. Nose (coupler cover):
-- WHen coupling two trains, the noses are opened. The required animation is already available at the original version of the asset.

There are 3 assets for the handling of these functions at the DLS:
1. <kuid2:206816:99030:2> Change System AC/DC
-- a drivercommand to change between ac and dc mode

2. <kuid2:206816:99820:2> System Change Trigger AC/DC
-- a directional trigger to change between as and dc mode

3. <kuid2:206816:99823:1> System Change Zone Trigger AC/DC
-- a directional trigger for the start and end of the system change zone.
-- at the start all pantographs are lowerd.
-- at the end the pantographs for the active system are raised.

A zip file containing the modified config.txt (!!! ATTENTION !!! the kuid is the original, unmodified one) and the required script file are available at in this post.

- open <kuid2:64577:697:7> (or a clone) to show in explorer
- if modifying a clone, note down the kuid of the clone
- copy both files of the zip file into the opened folder (replacing the config.txt)
- if modifying a clone, change the kuid in the new config.txt to the kuid of the clone
- submit the modified asset

The required dummy pantograph <kuid:166065:111899> is available at the DLS.

If anybody could get the permission to release a modified version of Genesteal's TGV, feel free to use my script and config changes.

Danke Peter.
have made use of your new System Change Trigger AC/DC
in the tgv Ouigo alfaset3 (see french forum part)
will check what you scripted had made my own addhandler just for that trigger