T:ANE - not buying it


Well-known member
I have been debating for the past year or so whether to get T:ANE, the supposed "new era" of Trainz that will change the course of the franchise forever. And I've decided not to. Not for now, anyway. For a start I don't think my computer's up to it, and as a student, I can't afford to get a brand-new, high-end gaming PC to play it on. I don't want my CPU fried like others are reporting. The second reason is that is the most unstable, buggiest game I have ever heard of or read about. From unrealistic lighting to crashing to desktop to outright refusing to start, if you can think of a problem, T:ANE probably has it. I should imagine the Railworks community are laughing at us, as I have TS2015 and it plays excellently straight out of the box, and runs nicely on my PC besides! The third reason is the way N3V are acting at the moment, which seems to be geared towards making as much profit as possible.
Of course this does not mean I am abandoning Trainz or even T:ANE. If N3V change course and provide a much more stable game which works just as well as TS2015 does, I will buy it. If they continue to release patch after patch without really improving much whilst mindlessly profiteering, I will not.
I have been debating for the past year or so whether to get T:ANE, the supposed "new era" of Trainz that will change the course of the franchise forever. And I've decided not to. Not for now, anyway. For a start I don't think my computer's up to it, and as a student, I can't afford to get a brand-new, high-end gaming PC to play it on. I don't want my CPU fried like others are reporting. The second reason is that is the most unstable, buggiest game I have ever heard of or read about. From unrealistic lighting to crashing to desktop to outright refusing to start, if you can think of a problem, T:ANE probably has it. I should imagine the Railworks community are laughing at us, as I have TS2015 and it plays excellently straight out of the box, and runs nicely on my PC besides! The third reason is the way N3V are acting at the moment, which seems to be geared towards making as much profit as possible.
Of course this does not mean I am abandoning Trainz or even T:ANE. If N3V change course and provide a much more stable game which works just as well as TS2015 does, I will buy it. If they continue to release patch after patch without really improving much whilst mindlessly profiteering, I will not.
..........And that's why I've been sticking with TRS2010 and TRS12. I've tried T:ANE, and in my opinion, it's way too detailed. I mean my computer runs it just fine, it just didn't impress me as much as TRS12 and 2010. So I uninstalled it some time ago.
It's too detailed and this causes you to be unimpressed. I'm afraid I don't quite understand your logic there, wpn96.

Personally I think with the next patch, T:ANE could be the best yet. T:ANE currently runs quite a bit better then TS12 ever did for me, there are details that need fixing but the talk coming from the dev forum is keeping me confident.

It's too detailed and this causes you to be unimpressed. I'm afraid I don't quite understand your logic there, wpn96.
In my opinion, I like detailed stuff. For some reason TS12/2010 is just right for me. I mean it's not SUPER detailed like T:ANE, and it's not unrealistic and lower quality like Trainz 2004/older. It's just right I guess. Maybe whenever the next patch for T:ANE comes out, I might re-install it and give it a few more chances. It might be hard for some to understand, but that's just my opinion.
Just give me Open GL again, let me bring in the TS12 I already paid for without have to go through so much headache, I'll be happy. Make the scripts and Jointed Rail/RRMods/Cloaked Ghost/etc. items work like they did for TS12, I'll be happier. Link up my TS12 purchase to T:ANE, and have it automatically download TS12 routes I own, I'll be happiest. So, right now, I'm working on being happy.
Exactly. I brought Trainz 2010 almost 3 years ago and I am still happy with it. Once in while, I'll perform database repairs because some assets may act up but overall, I can do everything I want with that simulator. TANE is a nice simulator but it would take time upgrading the PC and fixing the older assets that I use which will most likely be faulty, and installing the updates and patches. With Trainz 2010, the only upgrade I most likely have to make is a memory and graphics upgrade and then I should be good to go. I am confident that TANE will be great with the upcoming patches and updates. From the screenshots and progress that I have seen with TANE, it's most definitely is an awesome simulator.

Money has always won the mind. No game of the series did not go full on the first try. Wait patches and service packs. Lots of. Maybe by next year the game will be full. By the time you have time to change your computer. :)
I have been a Trainz user from Auran's initial release. I have upgraded with nearly every new version, up to and including TANE Deluxe. With every version there has been a learning curve for me, and ongoing support from the developers with the release of patches. Every version has been my "favourite" at some point once the learning curve has been rounded and the complexities understood. TANE is no different.
I moved to TANE, by choice. No-one is being forced onto TANE. If you choose to stay with 2010 or 2012, thats is your choice. I see no point in posting negative comments or praising a competitors simulator on a public forum provided by N3V. Some times I wonder why Tony and the crew even bother. Many a developer would have given up years ago considering the daily criticism of TANE by Trainzers.

Bob (CRO)
I have been debating for the past year or so whether to get T:ANE, the supposed "new era" of Trainz that will change the course of the franchise forever. And I've decided not to. Not for now, anyway. .

Morning -- :wave:

For now, I think that's the best route -- I have TANE and yet I have not install it since it arrived a couple of months back!

Have you seen the latest newsletter, because if you have N3V have been working hard in the hotfix and patch, the list is very long on the things they have fix, so I say wait for Christmas, since I think more patches are forthcoming ... In this manner, you get it, apply all necessary patches, and you might never see these issues that folks are having now .... that's the route I'm taken ...:hehe:

As I had all the reservation and issues that have posted here, plus some ( all of this subject ). I for one miss TANE, don't get me wrong, I feel it could be improved. But reading almost all the post on this subject, it is my opinion is some of you should reread posts of what was said and complained about for 2004 thought 2012, It's a little like reading a history book. Like I said I really miss TANE , liked 2006 and 2012 a lot. To make me move on after what has been said about content distribution on the DL , PC ability and performance. I had all the same issues in the past and still had many with 2012 last build, so my two cents

I have railworks, and I'll stick with trainz

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You should buy it, as that income pays N3V's salary, and when they get paid, they can afford to continue to make more SP's for T:ANE.

If you don't support N3V, N3V may fold ... That means no T:ANE, No SP's, No DLC, No DLS, No Forum, No Nothing ... etc ... Basically all your DLC, and previous versions of Trainz will die, should N3V go belly up !

From what I hear 04, and 06 were the same way, and were supposedly unstable, and old users say they are still unstable (which is NOW totally untrue) ... Yet now that I have 04 and 06, I have found that they are the most stable versions, all because of their added SP's, and they now work flawlessly !

Thanks for saying what I wanted to say. Don
Everyone please in the forum, please be patient. Tane will get better sometime. The good things in life take time to get right. So please buy tane because trust me it will be better someday
Everyone please in the forum, please be patient. Tane will get better sometime. The good things in life take time to get right. So please buy tane because trust me it will be better someday

They said that about 2006 - 2010 & TS12, they never finished putting right the faults in any of those, what makes you think Tane will be any different????
T:ANE - not buying it

C'mon, Nathan.


  • Very few of us were buying UTC. Trainz 1 and 1.X were a blessing to H0 and N layout sufferers who missed more virtual space and reality. We didn't need more. But UTC did it.
  • Scepticism and some kind of jopking arose from us when first TRS2004 was announced. But TRs2004 was a hit, a complete success and the beginning of the a New Era for early trainzers. Auranites did it. Flexibilty of use was the trend then.
  • We were delighted with T4 and then came that famous thread of the gone crashed forum: "Sunblowers and whiners". The whole planet Trainz got divided between conservative 4ers and progressive 6ers. Yes, the Content Manager became an actual application and not a joke. Another success for the Brisbane crew and really a choral work because many of us for the first time contributed to the result of this peaceful revolution.
  • Yes, nobody was going to buy TC's series. Cut-off trainzy whimseys but still many of us were tempted. Nothing new or revolutionary but collectables.
  • Ah, 9ers expected a new revolution as with T6. Just the beginning and announcement of something great to come was bought out from Brisbane. You have it and I have it. Done and collected. Another step. Not a big one, I agree.
  • Fortunately for the luck of this venture, 10ers were a lot and the franchise got a new light and hope back to the trainzy world. You yourself are a proud user.
  • Not everybody was going to buy the 2012 episode of Trainz. Even though it was short of content a new scope, its attractive was evident and appealing. Many of us were there although first thoughts were not promising.
  • And then... The future. Imperfect and blunt, unshaped and needing some servicing now but... the future for those who still think that H0 & N layouts are not but some kind of Disney's world for wealthy and unambitious train lovers. We want more and should be there too. You will, IMHO.

All Trainz software instalments have always been borne imperfect and candidates to be pack-serviced very soon... but maturity and patience (from all of us, users and producers who haven't thrown down the towel) soften scratches and blunts inside and outside the binary code of this piece of funware. BTW, Photoshop is just now 40 years old; I've sworn its developers up and loudly for its imperfections on every instalment they offer us at unoffordable prices. But blessed be it!

Nathan, I wasn't buying UTC and registering it (I didn't registered my Trainz 1.3). See me, feel me, I'm still here :p watching proudly how a few of my assets still march on in the latest step ahead of this franchise. :hehe: Maybe this is my reason to keep on hanging on over here, there and every config.txt.

My kindest regards and consideration, Nathan.

The recalling side of Alberte :wave:
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I think that in many cases each time a new edition comes out there are built-in negative minds! My first encounter was TRS4 which I said elswhere i came across by chance on the et and have never looked back as it was a heck of a lot easier to build routes that the others around. When occasionally stuck in on health issues until I get out again I am glad I can have Trainz and building on it which is in itself an encouragement.

Many years ago the late Rev Dr Barclay a famous preacher and Theologian here in Scotland in a book for youth services had a short item which included a comment on a man in the northern wild snow lands visiting a man with huskies. The husky owner on being asked about them said he had 2 types of dog and the visitor was puzzled as they all looked the same. The owner smiled and said that some were pullers and others sooner. When the visitor queried the names he was informed that some were inherent pullers and others who would sooner be doing little.

Kind of says something!