Strange Phenomenon (Large pic!)


So I finally downloaded my pics off my digital camera from last Summer when I went up to Packerton, PA to visit my relatives up there. I set aside a day for railfanning, and wound up on the Reading & Northern at around sunset. I caught a shot of 3055 at the head of a coal drag passing the old CNJ interchange, but didn't notice that the R&N wasn't the only train in the shot! :eek:


The Ghost of Railroads Past, a weird trick of the light, or teenagers offroading on the old CNJ right-of-way? You decide!

Has anyone else had this happen?
Call TAPs to come and debunk it for you.:p

For those of you who don't know there is a TV show on Sci-Fi called Ghost Hunters. I watch it a fair bit on YouTube, the name of the group who does it is TAPS or The Atlantic Paranormal Society.
Call TAPs to come and debunk it for you.:p

For those of you who don't know there is a TV show on Sci-Fi called Ghost Hunters. I watch it a fair bit on YouTube, the name of the group who does it is TAPS or The Atlantic Paranormal Society.

Good idea. The MythBusters already said "no more oogy-boogy myths". :hehe:

@Adam: nice find!

I might have to do a little thread bumping...;)
Sorry for the double post, but mods, could you please merge this thread with the "Haunted Crossings" thread?
It's just swamp gas.
Ed (pardon me...I seem to have a little swamp gas of my own!:o )
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the ghost of the indianan central R.R.

here we the 1960's the indianan central ran from bloomsburg indiana to monongahela pennsylvania. the railroad rented equipment. But one day in the 1960's a crash happened at the site of an old bridge from the 1900's the bridge was washed out, and two trains plunged off the edge and met tehre fates. flash forward to 2008 I was watching trains from the norfolk southern mainline on the old indianan central. it was night and I had just finished taking a picture of a ns boxcar drag(really rare for that area) I heard a sound of a whistle a STEAM WHISTLE. I thought i was going crazy but all of a sudden indianan central cn #3542 was barrelling across the old pin bridge like she had all those years ago, whistle screaming like a banshee.:eek: :eek: :confused: here is the actual photograph.


then when that passed by me i wnt up to investigate, the strange thing was THERE WERE NO RAILS or ties.:eek::confused:and a brick wall was built on top of the bed to. here is a picture of the bridge,

if anyone can think what that was please tell me casue i am creeped out by it.:'( :eek: :confused:
So I finally downloaded my pics off my digital camera from last Summer when I went up to Packerton, PA to visit my relatives up there. I set aside a day for railfanning, and wound up on the Reading & Northern at around sunset. I caught a shot of 3055 at the head of a coal drag passing the old CNJ interchange, but didn't notice that the R&N wasn't the only train in the shot! :eek:


The Ghost of Railroads Past, a weird trick of the light, or teenagers offroading on the old CNJ right-of-way? You decide!

Has anyone else had this happen?
man thats creepy.... did any one get a shiver when they saw that light?:eek: what train is the "ghost" :)
@K4Driver: Creeeeeeeeepy, I suspect it's another group of restless souls who never got a proper burial or something. That seemes to be fairly common in this type of appearance.

@traincrazy0918: CincySouthernRwy's Central Railroad of New Jersey RS3. Search "CNJ" on the DLS and it's one of the two dark green RS3's.

@Everyone: Thanks for the comments, I was afraid that in being subtle it might not show very well.

Some guy just contacted me about a strange phenomenon he had witnessed. He said he was going to try to get a shot of it to me sometime this week.

Good to know I'm not alone! :eek:
I have one picture that was, well, interesting. I saw it while vieweing it through the camera. Now I was not one to beleive in ghosts, but this picture changed my line of thinking. When I download the pictures onto the computer, I will post it. It was an IAIS mainfest train stopped at night, with some old defunct track next to it...
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Some guy just contacted me about a strange phenomenon he had witnessed. He said he was going to try to get a shot of it to me sometime this week.

Good to know I'm not alone! :eek:

Here's the pic and the story as promised:

I got a tip a while ago that the MoPac and Katy heritage units were going to do a double-header on their way to the big heritage unit meet-up out West. They'd pass by my hometown in Central Missouri in the middle of the night. So, I charged my camera, downed some coffee, and headed out to the UP's East-West main. As the units neared on the head of an intermodal train, I thought I saw something passing above them on the ex-Frisco North-South branch to the nearby coal mine. I dismissed it as a hallucination brought on by sleep deprivation, snapped a perfect picture of the Heritage units, and went home to my nice, warm bed.

It wasn't until the next day when I reviewed the last night's spoils that I realised that it wasn't a hallucination after all.


An old friend told me once that when a steamer's fire is dropped for the last time, she doesn't sit and quietly rust away. They say her soul wanders the rails at night, retracing her steps. Why? He said the call of the High Iron was Irresistable. Now, I believe him.
good to know i am not the only one who has seen a steamer roam the abandoned grades at night. btw the way is that frisco #1522?
The 1522

The ghost of the 1522 roams the rails.... her whistle wailing like a banshee!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO................................. (the WOO thing is her whistle) MUAHAHAHA!!!!!!