Slow download speeds from Content store

Has anyone else noticed an issue with download speeds from the Trainz Content Store recently? I'm not talking about downloading via "Manage Content" but the Content Store from the main menu.

I've done tones of reinstalls over the years and they always run at full pelt (240Mbps) but over the last couple of weeks they are sometimes really slow.

I've done all the usual (router and PC reboot, speedtests etc.) and everything else internet related is working absolutely fine.

Sometimes I click to install one route and it starts downloading at half a meg a second. While that's plodding along slowly I click on another to download then that runs at full steam. That will download and install and the first one is still running slowly. Then after 10 minutes it will suddenly pick up speed again, then after a minute it will slow right back down.

If I continue to download others, sometimes they are fast and sometimes they are slow - so I'm convinced it's nothing to do with either my internet connection or ISP because the results are so random. Also doesn't matter about time of day.

This issue has only surfaced in the last couple of weeks.
I also have not been able to d/l anything. Receive messages of speed 0 d/l interupted. Have ran programme for over an hour. Must be Election Year:confused:
There are many causes of this. It was mentioned that N3V was planning on doing some server maintenance but backed out of it. This could be one of the issues they were going to address but haven't.

When I downloaded from the Content Store the other day, the speed was fine here.
TRS Build 126195

Lately I have often been getting the message ".................... Connection Interrupted" when downloading from d/l station.

I don't have any other internet issues, so presume the problem is with NV3.

Lately I have often been getting the message ".................... Connection Interrupted" when downloading from d/l station.
No such problem here. I just tested several downloads of varying sizes from the DLS, all were successful. I have an FCT but not having one should not generate that message.

Some common issues when downloading from the DLS.
  • have you excluded your virus checker from scanning trsxx.exe?
  • do you have a VPN running? In my experience some of them will disrupt DLS downloads
EDIT: In case you were referring to the DLC Content Store and not the DLS (d/l station), I just successfully downloaded a 744MB pack without any issues.
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Without an FCT, that error can actually be quite common when downloading larger assets. There is a bug in completing larger downloads at the slow speeds that has existed at least since T:ANE. In T:ANE, the download would finish with that error, but if you right-clicked and selected "Download" again immediately, it would see the completed download and just install it. Unfortunately, with TRS19, it lost that ability, and when you right-click and select "Download" again, it starts all over, but will usually succeed the second time. But that is a real pain with a large asset that is going to take some time. Since installing TRS22, I haven't noticed the error so much, but I did finally splurge on an FCT for a while.
This happens to me. Computer will run for a certain time then turns itself off.
Still, saved a shrub🌴🐿️. Can't stay staring at screen all the time. Just confirms staff's thinking...

Enjoy every baseboard in life.
"This happens to me. Computer will run for a certain time then turns itself off."

Try "Settings -> Screen & Sleep" - there are two timers for off and off. I've set both to "Never" - it's a desktop with mains power. The screen off is really for a) VDU monitors) or b)laptops, and Sleep for power saving on laptops. If you're downloading, check these settings....
Thanks for promptness. Both on "Never". Have computer with 24" LG screen which is used apart from my LG TV - although I have utilised this for larger picture through USB or HDMI cable. Little knowledge dangerous!
Maybe I can ask the Care Home provider:eek:
This happens to me. Computer will run for a certain time then turns itself off.
Still, saved a shrub🌴🐿️. Can't stay staring at screen all the time. Just confirms staff's thinking...

Enjoy every baseboard in life.
Is the shutdown consistent?

It could be many things causing this such as heat and power. Some components become extra sensitive to heat over time causing them to fail when too hot. When I was a tech, I used to use a heat gun to thermally force failing components to show up so they could be replaced. Ensure your PC is running cool inside. Clear the vents and fans from debris such as fuzz and dust, especially pet hair which can form mats on the vents where the air is supposed to draw in the cool air from the outside. If your room or house is too hot, you may need air-con to cool down. I know the UK, just like the northeastern US, has been sieged by awful hot weather for weeks. At the moment, we're seeing temps in the mid to high 30s daily with high humidity to go with it. It's been non-stop since late June.

Your PC could be suffering from power glitches. If there are power brownouts or glitches, the PC will turn off due to lack of power from the mains. Using a backup battery power supply called a UPS will prevent this from occurring and will give you ample time to turn off your computer and monitor if the power goes out. This is a big possibility with many people using air-con units because this will put an extra load on the mains causing brownouts and lower power to start with.
Without an FCT, that error can actually be quite common when downloading larger assets. There is a bug in completing larger downloads at the slow speeds that has existed at least since T:ANE. In T:ANE, the download would finish with that error, but if you right-clicked and selected "Download" again immediately, it would see the completed download and just install it. Unfortunately, with TRS19, it lost that ability, and when you right-click and select "Download" again, it starts all over, but will usually succeed the second time. But that is a real pain with a large asset that is going to take some time. Since installing TRS22, I haven't noticed the error so much, but I did finally splurge on an FCT for a while.
He's talking about DLCs
DLC downloads are always run at "FCT speeds" regardless of whether or not you have an FCT. So any speed issues that you might have with a DLC download are most likely due to your Internet connection and any restrictions imposed by your Internet Service Provider.

DLS downloads are also affected by your Internet connection and ISP restrictions as well as whether or not you have an FCT. Trainz Plus subscribers have an FCT as part of their monthly or annual subscription.

Non subscribers can purchase an FCT - 7 days for $US4.49, 30 days for $US5.99, 90 days for $US11.49, 180 days for $US19.99 and 365 days for $US34.69 - what happens in a leap year (366 days) I do not know 😄
You can have the FCT active and the best internet, too. But, as long as AWS is hosting the storage for NV3, you are going to be restricted by the tier that is setup as.
Thank you all very much for your assistance.

As I'm in a care and nursing home it is difficult. On line, with the blessings(?) we endure...

Thank goodness I am not still in the army. One day I might meet the person who took the 'photo.
"We Will Overcome..." Your own music, but, not to me.
Keep well and keep' them running.
Thank you all very much for your assistance.

As I'm in a care and nursing home it is difficult. On line, with the blessings(?) we endure...

Thank goodness I am not still in the army. One day I might meet the person who took the 'photo.
"We Will Overcome..." Your own music, but, not to me.
Keep well and keep' them running.
Stay positive and do what you can do. Keeping well and keeping them running just the same.