Signal problems after latest hotfix


Well-known member
Current build - 81296

After the latest hotfix, I was pleasantly surprised to see the crossing issue (crossing gates being in the down position upon loading a saved session) seems to have been fixed. I have found another problem though. I'm using the programmable vader signals from RRSIGNAL and Justin Roth. Upon loading a saved driver session, the display of the signals is all red, even though the HUD shows them as the proper aspects. Also, hovering the cursor over a signal of an approaching train will show the message "clear", or whatever, even though the signal shows red. So it seems to me that this is just a cosmetic problem of sorts. And I believe it happened since the latest hotfix came into effect. I've never seen this problem before.

Has anyone else noticed this? Thanks to everyone for making TANE the best version so far, even though there are still a few bugs that need to be sorted out.
I haven't installed the latest hotfix(es), mostly due to time constraints, but it's something I'll look at. I hope the hotfixes didn't break the signal system!
Yeah, that's what I'm wondering. The funny thing is, it almost seems to be random. Sometimes the signals show up normally in the saved session, and sometimes they show all red. I haven't been able to nail down the determining factors yet.
I've just started another session, with only one train. Saved it, and reloaded it, and the signals now seem fine. A couple of possible causes: The problematic session was using multiple trains with lots of AI commands. Also, was using some locos that kept shutting down after overheating, even though the setting for "enable loco breakdowns" was not checked. That's another unrelated problem - the JR settings at the bottom of the settings menu don't seem to be remembered when you re-start Trainz. Not a big deal, but frustrating none-the-less.
Another thing to try: If you use the Replace Asset feature, try deleting the problem signals then adding them individually. Trainz seems to get funky when using Replace Asset with scripted items.
another thing I have noticed is the "Dwarf" signals have visible labels even though labeling is turned off.
another thing I have noticed is the "Dwarf" signals have visible labels even though labeling is turned off.

Yup. Type 05 (permissive) and Advance signals have them. This should be reported as a bug I would think.

The issue I have is signals not changing when the AI approach them consistently. The signal remains red with the a message seen, when hovering over the signal, that reads "No train approaching". Putting a consist down in front of the train sitting at the red signal on the other side of the signal does not change this. Restarting the session works sometimes, but that's no fun if you've been driving for two hours and have to start over again. Replacing the signals with another type, like going from Searchlight to G-style works sometimes as well.

I had reported odd signal and AI issues way back in the early SP1 testing, the one that came out just before Christmas, and the issue was resolved somewhat, but apparently either something else got rebroken, or the issue was never completely fixed. More recently, I sent off a copy of one of my routes with this issue to N3V on their request, but I haven't heard back. Maybe they'll find something at some point.

Yup. Type 05 (permissive) and Advance signals ....
Cripes! Do you mean to say the "04" and "05" etc that appear in many signal names refers to a specific functional TYPE?! It's not just the author grouping signals by appearance or something?! I've been playing this game for ten years -- no wonder I can't signal a straight single track! Where is this information hiding, that I may enlighten myself?
Cripes! Do you mean to say the "04" and "05" etc that appear in many signal names refers to a specific functional TYPE?! It's not just the author grouping signals by appearance or something?! I've been playing this game for ten years -- no wonder I can't signal a straight single track! Where is this information hiding, that I may enlighten myself?

Type 04s will not display the name because there is no label on them for a signal name. Since the introduction of the interlocking towers, the Type 05s and other advance-type signals with name-boards on them will display the default signal name which gets put in place when placing the signal. This is fine for a new route in progress, but with a route that's been imported, especially one that's 200 miles end-to-end, it makes for a painful process of renaming the signals to something else.

For the signals in question, take a look at the Searchlight Type 05s and the Saftran similar signals. These two are ones I can think of offhand, there are many, many more I'm sure.

I did have a good drive the other day. I drove my 200 mile route in just under 8 hours with no stops at signals. The AI behaved and followed the rules in nearly all locations except one where I need to fiddle with the signals.

I'm currently working on a new tutorial set that goes over the signal types (01 thru 08) and explores the two more common scripted signal sets (RRS Supersignals and JointedRail)... You can find it here. Remember that it's a WIP, I haven't finished yet.