Seekuing an old file by Vulcan


RR Mod Maker
I am close to getting an old steam wrecking crane to work by Vulcan but need this file:

kuid2 60238 50007

i tried a search but the library threw out all 300 of his files. i went thru them all and didnt find it

can anyone help? thansk a lot, i really hope to see this working he did a great job on the crane, it has a very nice texture and is just right for a early 1900s project i am working on.

it may also be kuid1 not sure, all i have is the 60238 50007 part

i found a kuid2 60238 50007 2 but it is the body for a NG version of his steam shovel and the crane is SG
Hi Chris,

This part of your post intrigues me... "...i found a kuid2 60238 50007 2 but it is the body for a NG version of his steam shovel and the crane is SG"

If this is the case, then it's an error on whoever updated the asset. If the asset was originally standard gauge, then the update should have kept it standard gauge, or vice versa for narrow gauge.

The alternative is to substitute a different bogie (truck) for the crane. There are various ones you could try. It may mean adjusting the height and there is a tagline for that you can use, which I can't remember offhand.

Judging by the numbers <kuid2:60238:2> is a later/updated version of the original and it seems that it was used for both gauge versions. If there was a standard gauge version, it would had a different kuid. The original number you quote is incorrect, if the first part is "kuid2" then there must be a final digit :2>

I believe the original 50007 model was the bogey for the Bucyrus Erie 250t Crane 2,<kuid2:60238:15088:1>. It was built in 2003.

This model was updated back in 2013 and made built-in, and the bogey was obsoleted, possibly the reason you will not be offered it for download from the DLS.

The bogey now used for the crane is Bucyrus Erie Crane Bogey,<kuid2:60238:50012:1>

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Hi all and thank you Ian (Vulcan) i was honored to recieve a reply from you and all of the nice and helpful posts from everyone this is a very nice community which helps a lot as i am still a bit at sea having to assemble all of the items here from many parts. :)

we got the crane working, it is perfect for our project and looks great in the main yard at Tabernash which we are just now building for an update and restoration for the Rolins Pass 1915 route.


thank you again Ian for a wonderful crane. very nice indeed.
very nice, that is a great crane and very nice of Ian to make it for us. Just perfect for the 1915 Rollins Pass.
Not that I mean to be a killjoy, but there is a slight anachronism in using a 250 T diesel crane on a route based in 1915; a crane in 1915 would have been steam, and would require a tender for water and coal or oil.
