Secret Magic


Ancient Trainzer
While looking through CMP for a seated driver I came across the built-in mesh called Jeff. On opening this I found this to be a driver mesh by Magicland (Jeff Barr) but there was no corresponding Driver file so he did not show up as a Driver. Also there was an error in the config file (jeff_lores instead of jeff_lowres). Having corrected this and cloned a driver file I can now reveal the hidden secret (fanfare of trumpets). I have probably now made an enemy for life!
Woot, another black train nerd (maybe), im not alone

youll have to post the corrections, im really sick of alistar's feet sticking through the bottom of the C-16s and K-27s, i could use a seated driver
I'm not black, that's just the lighting in that car. Supposedly Auran's drivers can be either standing or sitting, but nobody from Auran has ever revealed exactly how to make this happen, so when I was making the F40PH, I made myself a seated driver to go in its cab (and yes, that is me). Dunno exactly how he got included in Trainz, as I don't think I ever uploaded him (except possibly by accident), but he is there. In TRS2004, he worked fine as a driver, and showed up in the driver list, but TRS2006 broke him, as has been discovered. Maybe I'll upload a fixed version to obsolete the built-in one when I get a chance...
Supposedly Auran's drivers can be either standing or sitting, but nobody from Auran has ever revealed exactly how to make this happen,

As far as I can see selecting a driver always selects the lowres version which is the sitting one in the config. Probably again one of the bright ideas that never got implemented. I was suprised how dark you were Jeff. I put it down to being hidden in the TRS2006 cellar too long! :)
youll have to post the corrections, im really sick of alistar's feet sticking through the bottom of the C-16s and K-27s, i could use a seated driver

The correction is described above the picture. You could try "Willie the Gimp" a sitting driver that should fit Prowler's cabs. Prowler also did one (Todd - suprise, suprise :) ) but I don't know where it is, as it isn't on the DLS or his site.