

New member
Help please!!

I have been using Trainz 2004 for about 2 years and I was disappointed in the speed. I have now upgraded to a faster computer with more memory and I am able to attempt to run some of the Scenarios.

However I get an error "unable to load script" please contact author.

I get this error in Clear lake supply and Clear lake log run, but I can run Cl2intro.

I have a Intel Dual core running at 2.66 Ghz with 2Mb memory an an Nvidia Gforce 8500 with 512 Mb memory under XP.

Could someone please give me an idea of where I have gone wrong.
Ultimate Trainz is what those (well at leas one) was written for. Try playing a secarino from 2004
Trainz secarinos re Ultimate Trainz and before were version spacific
but I did get some to work almost
Double-check what scenarios are available on the DLS for Clear Lake. I don't remember for sure, but it seems like there was an updated version of CL for TRS'04, and at least one CL scenario specifically for '04-sp4.

Clear Lake is possible to run in TRS2004, I would strongly suggest you check for missing items in TrainzObjects ?

wmmeyer is correct and both are available on the DLS, Clear Lake Revival is the updated version by Momentum .

scenarios SP4

Thanks, I looked on Slugsmasher and you were right some are for UTC.

However when I tried to run Clear Lake Revival I get the following Error

World1.CreateTrain>unable to create one of the specified vehicles

Stack Dump:

function $train@World1::CreateTrain(string,string.bool), line -1
function $void@MyClear Lake Revival::RunScenarionCommands1(), line 106

I have used Trainzobject and have no missing items I have tried to follow the loading of the scenario to find line 106 but I am unable to figure out which vehicle is the faulty one.

help would be much appreciated.


Ps my name is David.
It will work with the new scenarios. Try logging in at narrow gauge section to get specific answers for the Clear Lake Revival. It is worth the effort.

You can also go to my website below for more description and downloads for possible missing items. Missing stuff is the primary cause of this not working, there is nothing wrong with the script.
Thanks for replying.

With Clear Lake 2004 SP4 I still get the following error
Thread Exeption ER Nullreference, line 159 file

Stack dump:

function $void@Myclake4: main(), line-1

Slugsmasher I am unable to access the site

I have used Trainzobject and there are no missing items, I have archived EVERYTHING and recovered only whats needed, still no joy.

I will look again at slugsmasher site for any clues, but I have spent some time there finding info and thought I had all the info.

I must be missing something any ideas would be appreciated
