TRS 2022 Build 123801


Well-known member
I do have an outstanding help desk investigation in progress which has been active for a few months without resolve.
I have carried out a great deal of experimentation myself without too much success.
My latest one was to remove all emitting portals leaving consume portals in place.
There are 22 locomotives with consists in place all with driver commands. Prior to Tane, TRS2019 etc I had a much larger route and a great number of programmed drivers which would run 24hrs a day.
My current route is about 50% of the previous one and performed in the same way until TRS 2019 last patch and TRS 2022.
In my current route when starting session the a total of 71 Drivers listed, 49 not allocated and the 22 mentioned above which are all allocated having instructions per 1900 - 1910 timetable timing.
My main question based on the above is, why are there unspecified Drivers showing up in Drive Session Mode?
Trainz Settings are as follows.

Computer Details
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz
Memory 32.0 GB
Graphic Card NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 set to default

However the most important issue relates to the game CTD when in driver after a varying amount of time.
I am not able to run my own route in Driver.
Other included routes and sessions run normally.
- Speed setting
- Drive via
- Drive to
- Horn
- Load passengers
- Copy command from Schedule Library
- Turntable command
- Couple
- Uncouple
- Wait until hour
- Wait until minute
- Wait for Minutes
That sounds like a list of Driver Commands. I think stagecoach is asking for the settings you have in the Driver Setup Rule. Some of those settings relate directly to the issues you are having.
There is nothing special about those, the first line fifth command is "Copy From" the command referring to one of those in the other two pictures.
I just meant that that is a lot more driver setup than I usually bother with. I haven`t done much in the way of large complicated routes so far.
I see that no-one but me has stopped by to help you since stagecoach posted earlier, and since I don`t know why he asked for those settings, I cannot help further at this time. Are you still having problems with this? Since this effectively bumps the thread, perhaps someone who can help will notice.
When you place a new engine in a session by itself a new driver is automatically assigned to it. For some reason if you later erase the engine the driver will still be in the session but unassigned. If you look below the add a new driver, there are several check boxes. The first option is: Remove all existing drivers first. This should eliminate the extra drivers that you did not assign to an engine.
That sounds good, sw1500, and may well be correct, but I have been reading other threads that suggest that there may be something more to this than just that. I await further investigation, and am prepared to be proven wrong.
I had the many unwanted drivers appear also. Tolerable to a point but some issues eventually arose. Then one day they disappeared and I am back to MY specified drives -only. Trainz works in mysterious ways.
Just to keep you up to date.
i have come to the conclusion that my current Desktop has been the issue all along.
So I have ordered a new one pick up 23rd Feb.
Here is the specification.
Graphics card will be my existing recently acquired new one Gigabyte GTX 4060
With figures crossed I trust this will resolve all my issues.
I'm glad you found the problem. Congratulations on the new system that will work quite well for this.
A week from yesterday? That probably seems like a long time while you`re waiting, even if it passes in the blink of an eye by other measures. Let us know, please, how it works, yeah?
Just an update to this thread.
I am continuing to experience CTD's after a very extensive trial and error testing.
This is a sample log file bottom portion
This is a sample log file top portion
Here is a copy of the Profiler Log
What do the two items in Red indicate.
Also the recent RTD's all appear to occur at the same time after session commences with only one consist running emanating from a portal.
Needless to say after well over a year now I am just about ready to dump the whole thing (Traniz). however I have invested too much money in period rolling stock.

I am running build 123801, does anyone run this and would be prepared to run a copy of my install?
Just an update to this thread.
I am continuing to experience CTD's after a very extensive trial and error testing.
This is a sample log file bottom portion
This is a sample log file top portion
Here is a copy of the Profiler Log
What do the two items in Red indicate.
Also the recent RTD's all appear to occur at the same time after session commences with only one consist running emanating from a portal.
Needless to say after well over a year now I am just about ready to dump the whole thing (Traniz). however I have invested too much money in period rolling stock.

I am running build 123801, does anyone run this and would be prepared to run a copy of my install?
jack sounds to me like you don't have all the Content Store Items that came with the game Downloaded and Installed.. I too Experienced this same thing when i first got TRS22 and installed my route and content when i got the game to later find a CTD after firing up the game for the first time.. Make Sure you have the items from the Content store installed Via the game Launcher if you don't CTD's Will happen everytime you Launch the game.. Jack you need to listen to us as there have been multiple responses to your threads and your failure to follow directions given from us. last time we help you with this problem.
jack sounds to me like you don't have all the Content Store Items that came with the game Downloaded and Installed.. I too Experienced this same thing when i first got TRS22 and installed my route and content when i got the game to later find a CTD after firing up the game for the first time.. Make Sure you have the items from the Content store installed Via the game Launcher if you don't CTD's Will happen everytime you Launch the game.. Jack you need to listen to us as there have been multiple responses to your threads and your failure to follow directions given from us. last time we help you with this problem.
I certainly do not appreciate the last part of your response.
My issues did not commence with the latest Trainz build it commenced with the changes at the end of TRS2019 final up date more than 18 months ago.
I am now downloaded all the items marked INSTALL, I will not be installing the items marked FREE as it takes one to a dodgy site.