Sand Patch (Cumberland to Connellsville) Project



here we have a route i was supposed to have done so it could come out with TANE, but im glad i didnt get it done to be released with Tane. but the whats done is the Cumberland Hump yard track and the yards and mexico tower and the shops ect ect
more progress to come

Interesting interpretation of the line, although judging by your screenshot of the large yard (I'm assuming Cumberland) I do believe you are missing a dependency or two.
Interesting interpretation of the line, although judging by your screenshot of the large yard (I'm assuming Cumberland) I do believe you are missing a dependency or two.

thats sp1 for you. This was started pre sp1. And yes going to make this THE most interesting interpretation of the line ever! We interpreted 9 or ten buildings custom made for this route a ton more to come too! and interpreted track charts for the whole route already. It's a most accurate interesting interpretation...........IN THE WORLD!
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"Going fast never killed anybody, stoping quickly is what did." -Jermey Clarkson. LOOKS GOOD JSTN!
Yep, camera died last time I was down there taking reference pics. I need to make a run back down there to finish the buildings.
Haha, I vividly remember placing all those tracks. Glad you like my work! I almost pulled my hair out and ordered a pizza out of frustration. But its as accurate as I can do, trust me on that!